Michael Short Imagine (NOT A FULL CHAPTER)

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(A/N- Soooooo I got bored at about 3am last night... Please don't be too harsh.)

You were the very opposite of Michael. He was loud, crazy, and funny. You were quiet, and reserved. Due to your extreme differences, it was difficult to get used to eachother. When you first found out you had a brother you thought he would be quiet, and academically inclined like you. Michael thought you would be loud and crazy, like him. Because of this, you were constantly shushing Michael, and trying to get him to read, while he was trying to get you to be more spontaneous.

It was your birthday, and you weren't planning on doing anything, back home you would've had your best friend over, but you didn't know anybody here, and you figured that Michael would be too busy and disorganized to plan anything. You were mistaken.

"Y/N! Y/N! Get up!" Michael screamed shaking you.

"What is it?" You asked groggily.

"Look! You were born in exactly one minute, your birthday starts.... NOW!" Michael screamed causing you to roll out of bed in surprise.

"Ow, it's the middle of the night," you grumbled sitting up.

"Well don't just sit there, get up, we have a full day ahead of us," Michael said impatiently.

"Day as in now until this time tomorrow?" You asked.

"Well, not now exactly, we've already lost 5 minutes," Michael said impatiently. You studied his face, he looked to be serious, and you had learned that arguing with him was completely pointless, so you shuffled over your closet to get dressed.

"So what are we doing at 3 am?" You stepped out, dressed.

"Well I was thinking midnight laser tag," Michael said thoughtfully.

"But there's only two of us," you said confused.

"Please, that can be easily fixed," Michael said, dragging you down the stairs, and out to his car. You got in the passengers seat, and buckled in, nodding off as soon as Michael pulled out of the driveway.

"WHA?" You bolted up, waking up to Michaels face right in front of you. Shrieking, you flinched back.

"We're here," he said happily. You looked out past the parking lot towards a large building with 'laser tag' written across the top. It was the only one in the strip mall with its lights in, and there were a few other cars in the parking lot.

"There's still only two of us," you said pointedly.

"They're inside," Michael said, exiting the car, you following reluctantly. Entering the building, you saw Michaels 3 best friends there, waiting for the two of you.

"That's 5 people," you said confuse again at Michaels plan.

"So?" He asked.

"That's not even teams," you rolled your eyes.

"I don't need a team," Michael scoffed, "they're here for your benefit."

You gave him a look of disbelief before turning towards the other three, "Is he really that good?"

"Well, he's never lost," Luke said scratching the back of his neck. Suddenly, you wanted, no needed to win. What Michael didn't know, was that your band had played laser tag last year in a lock in, and that you were the MVP.

"You're on," you said with a menacing smile you didn't know you possessed, causing his cockiness to falter.

A few minutes later, you were all suited up in vests, and held you guns ready to go. Your team was red, Michael was blue. You and Michael were shoulder to shoulder, waiting for the doors to open so that you could find a proper hiding place.

As soon as the large garage style door opened, you ran in, splitting in opposite directions.

"LETS DO THIS!" You heard Ashton yell, along with the clicking of his trigger.

"You dumbass it doesn't turn on for 30 seconds," Calum sighed. All of a sudden your gun came to life under you fingers, the red light beginning to flash.

Silently, you began working your way through the large maze, careful to keep a sharp eye out for Michael, who could be anywhere.

"CALUM WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR IM ON YOUR TEAM!" You heard Luke scream after the sound of his vest shutting down. Rolling your eyes at their incompetence, you continued inching forward, checking around the corner before continuing.

"I MEANT TO HIT HIM! HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" You heard Calum whine. You froze, and turned towards their voices, seeing a fork in the maze, you carefully examined both sides, squinting, you saw a bright red hair, glowing under the blacklights, stuck on the right wall. Grinning to yourself, you ran around the corner and began rapidly shooting at the other side. Hearing a vest turn off, you smiled at Michaels shocked face.

"WE WIN!" Ashton yelled, coming around the corner, Luke and Calum right behind him. Putting you up their shoulders, they chanted your name all the way back to the equipment room. Turning around you found yourself face to face with your brother. You smirked at him, blowing the imaginary smoke off of the tip of the plastic gun.

"Don't get all cocky I let you win," Michael scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Really?" You chuckled.

"Really." He confirmed.

"Only one way to know for sure," you said turning back around to face the arena.

"Best 2 out of 3?" He asked.

"You're on."

A/N- If you're wondering why I don't add this to the random imagines chapter my reasoning is that then I would lose all of the reads and votes- and I wasn't thinking far enough ahead to just put this into that chapter in the first place

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