79. Harry Potter AU - Ashton

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One of the first things you learned from your brother when you joined your house, was that Hufflepuffs are misunderstood. People always told you that Hufflepuffs were the rejects from other houses, that they were air headed and dumb. It's bad to be a Hufflepuff because it means that you aren't good enough for any of the other houses.


"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat screamed as soon as it was placed on your head. A chuckle rippled through the room as you blushed deeply and hurried off the stage. You were a little disappointed. Ashton was a Hufflepuff, and that was fine, but you were half-hoping to be a Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. It felt like you weren't good enough. But you wouldn't say that, so you just plastered on a smile and moved to sit with your new housemates.

The Hufflepuff table greeted you with warm smiles and a place to sit.

"Nice to meet ya Y/N, in the head boy, Niall," a blonde boy with sparkly blue eyes nodded.

Ashton, who was a third year, patted the seat next to him, and you gratefully sat down.

"It's my pleasure," you glanced up shyly at Niall.

"Your hair is so pretty," one of the girls on the other side of the table complimented you.

"Oh, t-t-thank you," you stuttered out, not used to compliments out of the blue.

"You're welcome," she chirped.

And then McGonagall called the next first year up.

Everyone was quiet except for when another HufflePuff joined. You observed a few things in just your first few minutes sitting there. They always clapped no matter what house, not making sly comments like some of the other tables. The members would constantly smile at each other and always gave warm and happy welcomes. But mostly, that it seemed like a really happy environment.

When the meal started everyone was friendly. Niall had everyone go around the table and introduce themselves. The older students would work hard to engage with and be kind to each and every new recruit. It put you at ease.

"So, how do you like Hufflepuff?" Ashton giggled and elbowed you a little as you dug into your food.

"It's nice, not like I thought it would be," you admitted, with your mouth somewhat full.

"Huh?" His eyebrows raised in amusement, "what did you think it would be then?"

Uh oh. You didn't want to offend him.

"Well..." you sputtered, "everyone always says that Hufflepuffs are just leftovers and dumb," you looked down at your plate in shame. Partially because you were a Hufflepuff now and had clearly just insulted yourself, and partially in shame because you had stereotyped an entire house.

Much to your surprise, Ashton only rolled his eyes and nodded sadly, "it's a common theme, I don't blame you for falling into it," he glanced over at the table draped in blue, "especially given the sentiments of some of our fellow houses."

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