76. You're In/Stuck In A School Shooting - Luke

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Part 3/4

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Y'all, I'm like a bad driver, not like a hazard on the road, but like an old lady driver mixed in with a really distracted/rushed person. Like I never go over the speed limit, but I ran over the curb today and I can't park fOR MY LIFE

-rant over-

Okay this has a lot of The Fault In Our Stars in it bc I love John Green (sorry)

"What do you mean you don't know where my sister is?" Luke demanded to the police officer in charge of reuniting the students inside the school with their guardians.

The parking lot was full of families and friends, hoping, waiting, watching for someone to bring back their child. Ever since the shooter had been removed from the building in a body bag, there had been a constant stream of teenagers and building staff flowing out the doors. Tears and hugs for so many who had been reunited with their loved ones after hours of worry. Hours of hearing shots inside and not knowing what, or who, their target was.

Now only a few remained. Luke was amongst them, he had been pacing the limits of the little outdoor waiting area ever since he had arrived, only minutes after the ordeal started and he was notified of the situation.

Calum, Michael, Ashton, Your parents, Ben, and Jack were all on their way, but as soon as the news had spread that there was an active shooter situation the movement of observers and media personnel had seriously jammed traffic.

That left Luke all alone, standing in a parking lot, waiting to find out what was happening and if the worse had occurred.

"I'm sorry Sir, I know that this must be difficult but we haven't found her yet," the nice officer, who was used to stressed out people who snapped at them, replied gently and honestly.

Tapping his foot in frustration Luke became distracted when he glanced over and saw a set of parents talking to a different policeman, and immediately break down. He saw the hope leave their eyes, and tears replace it. It was clear that whomever they had been waiting for, wasn't returning.

"You didn't..." he choked on his own words as he turned back to the sympathetic eyes of the policewoman, "she's not..."

Luckily it was clear what he was asking, "there have been no bodies matching your sisters description found."

"Okay, thank you," he nodded.

She smiled at him, and then walked off to go speak to another family.

Luke was still waiting.


"Ow ow ow ow," you gritted out, looking down at your already purple and swollen ankle. Only you would be clumsy enough to twist your ankle in the middle of a deadly situation.

You sighed and slid down the wall in the library storage room. Being the dedicated student you were, you had been the only student in the library when it was announced that the school was on a lockdown.

The nice librarian Mr. Waters, had quickly brought you back when it happened. It was really more of a closet, only big enough for one. A door painted the same color as the wall around it and covered in some nerdy posters, you hadn't even seen it when he had first pulled you back into his office.


"Mr. Waters, what's going on?" You whispered as he gestured for you to run to the back of the library, behind the large checkout counter, where his office was situated.

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