C H R I S T M A S S P E C I A L ¹

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The Christmas spirit is highly evident at the Kim's household. They prepared much. Much that they get confuse what to handle first. The venue, catering, visitors and decorations. Its a lot work to do.

On the contrary, at Park's residence. "PARK CHANYEOL!!!" Destiny's voice plastered their whole apartment. Chanyeol came in a hurry. "Where's Jesper?" Chanyeol scratch his hand.

"I'm here eomma." Replied their 10 year old son. Destiny beamed brightly. "Why do seem worried?" Chanyeol went near her. "I thought you weren't ready yet."

"Eomma, will we meet mama Park today?" Jesper faced her mom. Destiny look at Chanyeol.

"Of course we will."

"Along with papa Park."

Destiny suddenly felt messing someone. Someone from the Philippines. She's been living her life in Korea for more than 5 years. She didn't get to see her mom and friends frequently, only during video chat.

"What's the deep thinking?" Chanyeol noticed her sudden change of mood. "Nothing." She put on a smile.

"Let's go?" They left the apartment making sure uninvited guest can trespass. "Eomma, Baekhyun hyung will be there also?" Of all people, Jesper is very excited with the party.

"Yes." She nod and said so. They made there way to the parking lot. Until now, Chanyeol's, EXO's popularity didn't fade. Chanyeol's family were even considered as the role model family. It can't be denied. Haters? They still exist. It's not new to the family anymore.

"Destiny, Jesper." Chanyeol faced them. "You drive the other car." Destiny is confused. "Suho hyung just texted and he wants me to buy something." She partly understand.

"Why don't we buy it together?" Destiny thought it would be great and fast to just come together. "Eomma, lets just go! I want to see Baekhyun hyung and mama Park!" Jesper pulled Destiny.

"Be careful." Chanyeol planted a kiss on Destiny's lips and Jesper's. "Lets meet at Suho hyungs place."

"Be careful also." They parted ways. "Don't forget your seatbelt." Destiny reminded her son. "Eomma, lets listen to appa's song!" Jesper joyously exclaimed.

Destiny played Growl. According to EXO-L that's there fandom anthem. Destiny boarded with the help of GPS.

Destiny stepped on the breaks. "Where are we going eomma?"

"Its almost appa's rap."

"Lets have a quick gift shopping." Since she had a hard time thinking last on what to buy, maybe its a great idea tagging Jesper along. Maybe he can help.

"Etude house! For Baekhyun hyung's eyeliners!" She was right.

"Finally you are here." Baekhyun and Kai welcomed them. "Baekhyun hyung!" Jesper directly snatched Baekhyun away. Jesper's relationship is really that close. Sometimes, Destiny wonder if Baekhyun could be Jesper's mom. Plus, the fact that Jesper resembles a bit of Baekhyun.

"He have grown a lot." Kai spoked. The conflict many many years ago is forgotten. They just decided to forget that misunderstanding and Kai had already moved on. "I know right. Time flies really fast."

"How's your life these days?" Even though they get to see each other, along with the members, almost everyday, they have a limited time conversing. With there tangled schedule.

"Doing really great. In fact I--- I mean Taemin and I will represent Korea next two weeks on a dance competition in LA." Destiny was really dumbfounded. She don't have any doubts on there skills.

"Wow! Really? That's really a great news. It would be great to watch you live." Destiny felt an excitement and orge to watch them live. Remember, she loves dancing very very much. As much as she wants, but its different. She have properties. "Haha. Maybe, Chanyeol hyung will be jealous."

Speaking of Chanyeol, where is he?


Yehet! Ohorat! The Story of Us surpassed 16k+ reads. I thank you all for that.

So this is part 1 for the Christmas Special update. This is my advance Christmas gift.

Thank you. Love you. Enjoy.


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