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I slowly open my eyes and adjusted it with the light. I felt someone holding my left hand. I took a glance and saw a sleeping Chanyeol.

"You're awake! Thank goodness." The voice that I've been longing for. I finally hear them.

"Yeol what happened, where are the girls, who did this to me?" I asked Yeol. 

I can feel pain all over my body. Those girls really hurt me badly.

"Calm down Yeobo! Don't worry. The incident that happened is under investigation and the one's who did this to you will surely regret." Chanyeol said.

From his eyes. I could easily tell that he cried a lot. It hurts me to see him in this state of mine.

Yeol told me what had happen when the time they arrived the warehouse. So the girls escaped.

"Yeobo! I called your mom earlier and she was totally worried. She said to take care of you." Chanyeol.

I feel so weak. I think, I couldn't even carry a spoon full.

"Yeol, I'm hungry. Can you please accompany me?" I asked Yeol.

Yeol then took a lunch box from his side and started feeding me.

"Ehhhm. Mashita!" (delicious) I said in between munching the kimchi.

"Ohh. Surely you will love this. Uhmma heard about the news and pay a visit. Unfortunately you were still asleep at that time, so she handed me this. She cooked this for you. "Yeol said and was about to take another spoonful.

"What happened last night came directly to the media?" I asked Chanyeol. World these days.

"Yes. It did. Remember your the niece of the top entertainment of Korea. How come the media won't know." Chanyeol replied. Yeah he is right.


Chanyeol came to the door and opened it.

"Destiny noona! Gwenchanayo?" (are you ok?) Sehun greeted.

EXO came. They all didn't came empty handed. They started asking me many questions.

"Yah! Stop flooding her with questions."

"She needs to rest. You can keep those and wait until she'll fully recover. Arraso?"

Chanyeol told the other members. I felt tired so I took a deep sleep.

Wahh! Finally I'm out from the hospital. I'm back to reality. 

Until now. The incident that happened to me a week ago still bothers me. What if they will go back and do that again?

What if ---

"Yeobo! Why so deep in thought?" I shifted my gaze to Chanyeol and spoke.

"I'm just worried about my safety and yours or the other members." I stated. I still feel uneasy.

"Don't worry and over think. Like what I've said earlier were going to CEO Sooman to talk about this matter." Chanyeol said.

"Ahhh how am I suppose to feel safe when things like this happen?" I said to myself. Were heading to uncle to talk about this matter. Not in time the cab stop in front of the SM building.

Fangirls can't be avoided. There are banner supports and some death glares. Good thing I had Chanyeol by my side to protect me. I'm felt so lucky to have this Yoda in my life. We made our way through fans easily.

"Good morning seosaengnim (teacher) Sooman, we're here." Chanyeol politely greeted him. So did I. He gestured us to take a seat.

"Good morning Chanyeol and Destiny. It's good to see you Destiny, are you ok? Me and your mom was really worried about you." Uncle said in a worried tone. I felt a burden to keep them worry, especially uhmma.

"Let's get things straight." Me and Chanyeol attentively listened. 

"Since the culprit isn't in the hands of the police yet. From now on your going to have two body guards. With them your safety is reassured. You shouldn't leave alone. And your moving to EXO's dorm. the dorm is highly secured. I already assigned people to keep you safe and CCTVs are added."

"Since Chanyeol's your OFFICIAL boyfriend." Uncle really emphasized the word official. Which made both of us smile. 

"I'm sure he'll take care of you and besides there are other members. Don't worry, I already told Suho about this and the members already know how to act around,especially your the only girl. Is this fine with you Destiny?" Uncle ended with a question. I just nod.

"Well, if that's it, you may now go. Pack all your things and start moving to EXO's dorm and by time you exit this room. Body guards are escorting you already." Uncle said. We bid good bye and went out. Like what Uncle said. The body guards will be here.

"Annyeonghaseyo Ms. Lee. It's our pleasure to protect you anytime and anywhere." The body guards greeted. 

I was stunned by there presence. The male body guard has it's masculine body and the female has that fierce look, like when you try to get close to her, you'll feel that death is near. Just joking. 

"Annyeonghaseyo jeoneun Gu Dongjoon imnida." Well behind this masculine man is a friendly Dongjoon. He's realy cute plus his eye smile. But my Yeol is more attractive.

"Annyeonhasyo jeoneun Kwon Dahye imnida." Well she's also friendly.

After their introductions. We started our way to my apartment. When we arrived the apartment. All 4 of us started packing my things. We were all busy, except with Yeol. His standing in a corner. I took a step and glance on what's he's up to.

"Yahh Yeol! Why are you reading my diary?" I asked and tried to snatch it,but he held it upward. Ahh height problems. 

"Ahhh Destiny! So cute. Now I know. You realy did fall for me from the start." Chanyeol teased. 

"Yahh stop that and let's continue packing!!!" Yeol still continue to tease me around. While the body guards are happily smiling with our actions.

We finally finished packing all the things. I'll abandoned this apartment now. I felt a bit sad. Memories will forever be remembered in this apartment. Chanyeol and the body guards carried the boxes, while I carried the things in a bag. Too fab right?


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