Uninvited Guest

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Finally we arrived EXO's dorm. I'm really excited to see Yeobo now. I miss him. I texted Yeobo awhile ago that I'm coming in 10 minutes. So he's probably waiting now. We stopped in front of EXO's dorm and the bodies made sure that they were no one else following us. I entered the pass code at the dorm. I heard a ding sound and the door is now open. 

"Yeobo, finally you are here. I miss you." Yeol welcomed me with a tight hug and a picked on my cheek. "I miss you too Yeobo. Where are the others?" I asked. We broke the hug. I put down mu bag in the sofa and took a seat. "Some are on there rooms and some went out." Yeol answered. 

"Are you hungry Yeobo? I'll make food." I offered him. "No I'm full. Seeing you makes me full already." He said. This chessy Yoda really. "How's school and why'd you said it was slight great? I someone or something bothering you in school?" I remembered the text awhile ago. 

"You sounded like a worried mom right now." I teased him. "But yeah it wasn't really that great. We had a new girl student. She was the talk of every student today. They kept on talking about her. It freaks me out the way she looks at me. When she's with other students she's like an innocent angel while she's in front of me she's sending death glares. But don't worry Yeobo I'm strong." I explained to him. "What's her name?" Yeol asked.

"She's Kim Hye----"

"Annyeong noona." Sehun greeted holding his bubbletea. "Annyeong Destiny." Luhan also greeted. I conclude they both wet to bubbletea together. As always. "Where are the others hyung?" Sehun asked. Still can't get enough with the bubbletea. "They took a nap and Suho and D.O went for grocery." Yeol answered. I excused myself and went upstairs to get changed. I wore comfortable and not revealing clothes. I fixed myself a bit. I'm about to went out, when I forgot something. I forgot my phone. I grabbed it and went down.

 All members are awake now. They we're watching TV and D.O preparing food. "Annyeong Destiny." They greeted me in unison as I went down. I made my way to the kitchen and checked what is D.O preparing. 

"Annyeong oppa." I greeted him. It's the first time I called D.O oppa. I guess nothing is wrong calling him that way.  He greeted me back."What are you preparing oppa?" I asked. His busy with something. "I'm just preparing pancakes." D.O replied. "Do you need any help?" I asked again. 

"Uhhm just prepare the chocolate syrup and 13 plates." He instructed me. After hearing that I did it directly. D.O started putting the pancaked on each plate and I helped him putting the chocolate syrup. I wrote some phrases on it. Will it's finally finished. We brought the plates on the living room,where the boys are. "Ohh pancakes. I'm hungry." Xiumin exclaimed. "You're always hungry." Chen blurted out. I distributed the pancakes according to the phrases I wrote on. "Read the phrases on it." D.O said.

I came forward and gave Suho. Leader jjang was written on it. Beside him is Baekhyun. I wrote cute little puppy who is in en charged with the eyeliner. Baekhyun showed his rectangular smile. Next in line is Yeobo. For my special Yeobo, I wrote my one and only yeobo and drew a heart. He smiled widely and his cheeks are red as a tomato. 

"Ahh this love birds really." Kris said coldly. This cold guy really. For D.O, I wrote the owl chef. "Yahhh! why owl chef  Destiny?" D.O said a bit annoyed. "Cause your eyes are like owl and your a great cook." I explained. I continued distributing the food. Next is Kai, I wrote sexy dancer and handed it down to him. Beside Kai is Luhan, I wrote forever manly but loves Hello Kitty. 

"Ahh Destiny wae? Forever manly is enough but...." Luhan said. "Cause that's really who you are." I said then everyone laugh. Next is Sehun. I wrote, bubbletea maknae. I drew a bubbletea beside it. "Gomawo noona." He said. Flashing his eye smile. His indeed a cute maknae. Next is Xiumin. Forever hungry. "Destiny knows me well." Xiumin spoked. Chen is next, Chensing machine. He accepted it while everyone is laughing. Next is Lay. Innocent Unicorn. Lay accepted it and send his gratitude.  Second to the last, Tao. I wrote cuttie panda. And lastly Kris. I wrote Mr. Cold Galaxy. He then smirked. I'm about to grabbed mine but Kai stood up. Got the chocolate syrup and wrote on my pancake. Destined to us. I was shocked with Kai's action, even Yeol, but not the other members. He gave me my pancakes and we all started eating. 

"Destiny noona thanks for this." Tao said his gratitude. "Don't only say thank you to me, also to D.O oppa." I stated. We enjoyed the pancakes very much along with the TV show. Yeol is about to stand and went to the kitchen when the doorbell sound. "Did you guys invited someone?" Yeol asked. Everyone shook their with a no. "Maybe it's manager hyung." Suho blurted out. "Or my buddies." I added. To bad. I have to leave them outside. But they insisted tho. Yeol came to open the door. 

"Why are you here?"


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