C H R I S T M A S S P E C I A L ³

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I didn't expect that. "Chanyeol, I think you need to learn from your wife." Minho jokingly said. The whole venue started giggling. "Sooman saem, we have a new choreographer." Chanyeol added. Uncle raised both his thumbs.

Moving on, the program continued. This will really take long. I felt my eyes getting heavier but I tried ignoring it. It might be rude.

"Eomma." Jesper went near. He is sleepy already. He'll only be clingy to me when he's sleepy. I let him sleep on my lap. Our little Jesper is recharging.

"Knocked out." Chanyeol spoke. I beamed.

Its time for feeding up our growling stomach. "You go get a food first." I instructed Chanyeol. So not to disturb Jesper's tour in dreamland. "Ah our little Baekhyun is tired." Taeyeon of Girls' Generation came by. She caressed his head gently. "Here." Just then Chanyeol returned bringing a plate full of food.

We took turns in eating, since Jesper isn't awake yet. "Lemme go the comfort room first." I excused myself. I came pass by many artist. Even Taemin, Uncle, Sungyeol much more. "Destiny, lets go together." Jessica tag a long. "By the way how's your business?" I heard Blanc and EClare are damn prominent brand of eye wears. "Doing great." We converse casually in english, since we both prefer that language. Once we enter the comfort room, Jessica entered in one of the cubicle and here I am washing my hands. I quickly fix myself and waited for Jessica outside. 

"Baka may makakita sa'tin!" I suddenly heard someone speaking in tagalog and it sounds really familiar. I paced closer to where I heard it. I saw someone really familiar but this couldn't be. I mean they're in the Philippines, right? "Lets go." Jessica went out. I took another glance but they're out of sight. Maybe that was just the same body figure as my mom.

We arrived and its time for exchanging of gifts. For this numerous guest it would be rare that the one who picked me will be under EXO. Lucky for me I picked Luhan. At first I'm oblivious to what gift he wants. Just by an accident her blurted that he wants any Givenchy products. I even heard it from Sehun. So I bought him Givenchy shoes. I hope he'll like it. 

Exchanging of gifts did happen. Chanyeol received a Rilakkuma phone case from Baekhyun. Baekhyun knows him really well. Jesper received a new pair of shoes from Taeyeon eonnie. No wonder she asked Jesper's size the other day. Its Chanyeol's turn but he's not here AGAIN. Where did that guy go?

"Just wait." Baekhyun went by our side. He carried Jesper in his arms. "Daddy material." Sehun teased. What's his gift? Who did he pick? Me or Seohyun?

The doors were open. A huge gift entered. "Wow!" We exclaimed. "To offer my gift---" Baekhyun and Jesper pushed me to go forth the center.

"Destiny, may you?" He handed me a scissor. So its me? "Go."

Heart throbbing.

Hands trembling.

Sweat perspiring.

Did I open it right?

Is this reality?

Is this a dream?



"Yah! Why did you open it so long?"

"We were sweating inside!"

If this is a dream, please slap me. "You're awake my friend." El read my mind and did slap me.

"Merry Christmas Destiny!"

We embraced each other. Tears stream down. "Lola!" Jesper ran and embraced mom. "Since when did you?"

"Yah! Thank Chanyeol first."

I turned and saw him from behind. "So this is the reason why you're always missing." I hug him tight. Tight enough that I will never let him go. "But you will never be missing in my heart." He planted a kiss on my lips.

"Eherm!" Papa Park break the kiss scene. "Yah! Go get a bed!" El exclaimed.

I was not mistaken a while ago. I knew it was mom. "How?" I once again hug her tight. "Its all because of your derpy husband."

"Lets continue the parteh!"

Just like that, I declare this Christmas celebration as the best among the rest.


Is it too late now to say sorry that I updated this long~

Really sorry guys for the long wait. But here goes the last part of Christmas Special.

Aend congrats to our gheis who won four awards during MAMA 2015! Their perf is damn excellent! Plus Chen's killer high notes!

Aend lets hope that Chanyeol will be fine soon. He just collapsed after their performance, like MAMA 2014 TT TT

Thank you guys. Love you.

PS: Sorry for my broken English.

Advance Merry Christmas! 🎅

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