DATE 101

309 10 0


As soon as I finished grooming myself. I wore the dress that Yeol gave to me. I paired it with white high heels and put on some accessories. I faced the mirror and WOW the dress is perfectly fit. At first I find it odd wearing dress because most of the time I wear jeans. Not for long Yeol also finished and his more handsome as ever.

"Yeobo stop staring or I'll melt." Yeol said teasing again. This guy really. I just responded to him with a smirk.

Both of us were ready and went down. As we went down the stairs, we were like queen and king. We were praised with the other members. Some planted jokes around especially to Yeol, but it's a joke enough to make as laugh not the other way around.

"Wooh, here comes the queen and king!" Chen said while clapping his hands. The others inverted their gazed to us. "Destiny noona. You look charming." Sehun said. He's eyes says it all. "Yahh! How about me?" Yeol interupted and poses like a model.

"Hahaha you really look like Yoda." Baek laugh around. Until now, Yeol still doesn't know who's Yoda. Better tell him sooner or later. They continue with their laughable and wonderful comments.

"Guys, if you'll excuse us. I bet Yeol isn't having fun anymore. We better go." I interrupted. Seems like Yeol is pissed now. So I spoke up. We made our way out the dorm and went in the car. While the body guards rode another car butting us so that they can't somehow inter fear.

"Yoda where are you taking me anyways?" I asked between the ride. "You will know later and......will you stop calling me Yoda. That character in Star Wars that has wide ears like mine." He responded. I bit his a bit pissed.

"Ohh so you know him already. Ok Ye---" He cut me off.

"Why can't you just call me Yeobo, instead of Yeol or Yoda." He said irritatingly."Ok Yod---Yeobo." I answered. He beamed derply.

The ride wasn't that long. We stopped in front of a 5 start restaurant. I was in awe with it's luxurious facilities and food. Yeol left me for awhile and went to the counter...


Finally we arrived the place. I hope they did it, as planned. I've been planning this for along time but unexpected things happen so it was a delay. Finally it's today. I just hope she'll loved it.

"Stay here for awhile." I instructed Destiny to take a seat for awhile as I get to the counter.

"Excuse me noona. Is everything ready?" I asked Choa from the counter. Wonder why I know her. Well she's Yura noona's bestfriend. Luckily she's working here and she could help me out.

"Good afternoon. So she's the lucky girl? Well everything's is set. You may now proceed to the rooftop."Choa noona said and handed me the keys to the rooftop.

"Let's go now." I approached Destiny and lead her way to the rooftop riding the elevator of course ,I don't want my girl to be exhausted on our first date, and taking a few steps till we reached there.

I'm very nervous and excited now. I hope she will really appreciate it. In no time, I unlocked the door then there's the table for two I've prepared with a candle at the center. I lead her the way. As a gentleman, I pulled a chair for her and let her seat and afterwards I took mine.

"Uhmmm Yeobo, do you like the place?" Like a cue, the light were turned on. Which makes Destiny in awe. "I don't like the place." I was shocked. I thought she will--- "I love it." My thoughts were cut of when she said that. I sighted in relief. I thought it would turn the other way around. A man then showed up playing the melodious violin. Next , the food came.

After the food is served we started talking and getting to know more each other.

"Yeobo, can I ask you something?" I asked her. "Your asking already. What is it?" Ahh this girl really she never fails to make me smile. "Am I the first?" I asked directly. It took seconds Destiny to answer. Was that a hard question? Does it mean I'm the first? I asked in my thoughts. "Ahhh yes you are." She finally replied. "Wow that's good to hear. Don't worry Destiny, I'll be your first and last love." I said and grabbed her hand gently. We had more question and answer portion. All questions and answers were just enough to satisfy our curiousness with oneself.

"Yeobo, thanks for this,  for everything. I really appreciate it." Destiny spoke. "Don't send your gratitude yet. There's still more coming. But I'm thankful for your great appreciation also." I responded with my sweetest smile I could give.

I stood up and went behind her. I opened a small box. A shining silver necklace is in sight. I slowly put it on her. "You like it?" I asked. "I love it. And ohhh our names are engraved on the heart pendant." She said. I bit she's amuse. Great! Everything's going with the flow. "Destiny, just like our names engraved on the pendant permanently ,my love for is permanently visible and I promise you I would not hurt you and as long as I'm living no one can hurt you. Arraso? Saranghae Destiny." I embraced her tightly and savor the moment. "I believe in you Yeobo, just don't break that trust. Nado saranghae."


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