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5 days had past since the best new year's eve happen. Now back to reality. It's back to school again. Assignments,projects, paper works and so on are present again. 

 "Good morning Destiny!" Sungyeol gladly greeted me. I greeted him back.

"Nice hair color!" I complemented. From black to brown. "Ohh you notice." He replied. Just like what they say, new year,  new life, new hair. I did some changes with my looks. I had medium hair unlike last year it was really long and I dye it and added a violet highlights. Since this school is not really strict when it comes to hairstyles. 

"How's your holiday vacation Tiny?" Sungyeol ask. "It's really different from what I had the past years, but it's fun and memorable." I replied. "How about you?" Sungyeol was about to let out his answer but the teacher came. Unfortunately Math class first. I don't really hate Math, just like other people do. I just hate dealing with numbers. But I'm actually good at it. I usually get an A. Way back in Philippines they call me smarty pants. I'm good at everything, academics, sports and the like. I'm usually on top of the class always. Happily also here in Korea. 

Sungyeol snapped his fingers in front of me and I came back to senses. "Thinking deeply." I just smiled and inverted my gaze to the teacher. "Good morning class. I know you still on your holiday mode but we need to face reality and get back to school." Ms.Han said. She's really a great teacher. Add to that she's gorgeous. "But before I start my lecture. We have a new student here." All eyes were on the door waiting for who is he or she. In a snap. A pretty young woman showed. 

"Annyeonghaseyo Kim Hyejin-imnida. I hope we can all be friends here." This is really the first time to see all the boys drooling like hell with this girl, except Sungyeol. He didn't even took a glance on her, he just smirk. Yes, she's pretty. But the way she looks at me is different. She's sending death glares to me. Ms Han told her to take a seat on the vacant chair of course and she started her lecture. "Why does she look at me like that? Why only me?" I asked myself. She's really different. I just focused back to class. 

It's break time. Sungyeol and I decided not to went out the school premises. We just took our break at the cafeteria. We had ttokboki for break. We had chit-chats all about random things and also with our project. After the break we made our to back to our classroom. While walking all we hear is students talking about Hyejin. What's something with here that makes her a hot topic today. I wondered. I can't even asked Sungyeol since he's also new here. But anyways back to what's really up to. "Sooo Tiny what are we going to with our Science project?" Sungyeol asked. "Uhmmm to tell you straight I have no ideas yet." I told him straight. Busy with holiday and I forgot our project. To bad. "Maybe we can just searched it down the net and we share ideas about we searched and do it as the project." Sungyeol suggested. "Well that's great." I said to him. 


From Yeobo

"Sweet messages from Chanyeol again." Sunyeol interrupted. I just smiled at him. I excuse myself for awhile and went to the comfort room.

I came inside the cubicle and did my business there. I was about to get out when I heard girls talking again about Hyejin. I listened to their conversation. Maybe I'll get some information about her. 

"Girls. Did you know Hyejin is back?" A unfamiliar girl asked to her friends. Then I continued listening. 

"Jinjja? Wait...Hyejin the ex girlfriend of one EXO member?" I was shocked. One of the EXO?

"Yeah. You're right." That was the last words I've heard from the girls. I went out the cubicle and washed my hands. I walk down the hallway to the classroom. I still can't believe that she's the ex girlfriend of one EXO member. "I just hope it isn't Yeol." I sad to myself worriedly. 

"Tiny, Science project is cancelled."

"But we have for Music." He said sadly.

"Huh? Why a sudden change? and when did he announce that?" I asked Sungyeol. It was a relief that science project is out now. I really don't have an idea about that project. "Yes you heard it right. Seosengnim (teacher) announced it when you're out earlier." I just nod in understanding. 

"What's with the music project?" I asked again. Ahhh I've been out not for long, but this thing just come out. "The project will be performing in class any music related. It's up to you if you'll go with solo, duo or in cluster and two representative will be chosen to perform in front of the whole school." Sungyeol stated. 

"Uhmmm Tiny can we do this project together?" He offered. "Well there's no reason for saying no." I stated. A smile the drew on his face. "Sooo Tiny what are we going to perform?" He's excited with this thing. Well, me too. I really love music. Especially when it's applied in dancing. Yeah I'm a dancer. I love dancing since a was little. I'm used to joining contest which involves dancing and usually I would win. I had a group way back in the Philippines, along with my friends. I also love singing but I'm more into dancing. "Sungyeol what's your talent?" I asked him. "I'm pretty good at dancing and singing." He said. "I think we are not going to have a problem with this project." I assured him. Before I could share my ideas about the project afternoon class started and our teacher came. 

School is finally over for today. I can't wai to see Yeobo and the others. I packed my things hurried and went out. "Tiny wait!!" I stopped and heard Sungyeol calling me. "What about our performance in music?" I came close to him. "Don't worry. I'll tell you what were going to do by tomorrow. Just chill. For sure will do great." I assured him. After that we bid goodbye and made my way out of the classroom. I'm taking a few steps more until I 'm finally out from the school. I was on my way to the parking lot and my bodies are waiting for me there already. 

"Pstt!" I heard someone. I looked back. And guess what. "You're Destiny right? Chanyeol's girlfriend?" Hyejin called me. "Yes,I am Destiny and Yeol's girlfriend." She smirked.

"If you have nothing more to say, I have to go." I'm about to move my feet, when she grabbed my wrist saying "You'll regret." She let go of my wrist and I went on. In the car. I'm really confused, what she meant by 'you'll regret.' Is he sending some threat? If so, she better back off. 


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