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This day they will all be going back to Seoul to get back to the reality. Since EXOs rest was nearing to end and tangled schedules are approaching they need to leave early.

"Good Morning Destiny! Let's pack before they bus leaves us."  Chanyeol started the morning with a pleasant greeting.

All of them were busy packing up and they all made sure nothing was left, except for one. They left so early. Like they didn't have any time to drop by and have breakfast, so they have food on their bags in case their stomach grumbles. The bus was filled with sleepy handsome, pretty, cute adorable faces. It was all written on their faces that they are still in the dreamland. Some were like sleep talking and walking. Chanyeol and Destiny sat beside each other. Destiny's head leaning on Chanyeol's shoulder and Chanyeol's big head on top of Destiny's.

Hours went by and Seoul is insight. They all woke up and see the bright and calm sun of Seoul welcoming them.

"Finally we're back in Seoul." Xiumin said while stretching his arms. With that, Destiny woke up, so did Chanyeol. The boys went in directly to their dorm and hit the hay. Except one...

"Destiny are you sure you want to go home alone. I can just--" Chanyeol was cut-of when Destiny spoke 


"I mean it's just fine. I can go by my own, and you're tired too. Get in now and don't mind me I'll just notify you when I'm home okay?" Chanyeol then nod and made their own way.

"OMONA MY PHONE!" She said to herself. Destiny was shock when she tried to check her pocket it wasn't there, even in her bag.

While riding the bus she was all filled with questions, like where did her phone go and so much more. 

Too much of thinking.  The bus almost went overboard to her drop-off. While walking down the way, Destiny was really worried. 

"How am I suppose to call him?"


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