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I woke up and a sleeping Yoda welcomed. I thought he slept at the couch? I didn't bother anymore. I get out of bed and did my morning routines and dressed comfortably.

For to day I planned to cook them for breakfast. I went down and directly to the kitchen. Seems like I woke up early than the others. I came to the fridge and checked what can I cook.

"Hhmm bacon, bread, chicken, milk, and egg." I began my monologue. I was about to close the fridge.

"Ahhhh...OMONA." I shouted covering my eyes and turned around.

Who can never shout when suddenly you see Kai topless early in the morning.

"Ahhh noona...mianhae I just forgot!" Kai apologized he then drifted back to his room.

Ahh boys nowadays. I sighted.

I started cooking. Sound of the utensils, water dripping and chopping knife can all be heard from the kitchen. I decided to cook bacon...Well that's sounds like Baekhyun. I giggled. Plus egg and bread. And also prepared the milk. I just hope they will like this.

Not for long. I finished cooking and set up the table. I then went upstairs. I'm now in front of Suho's room. I knocked, but no one is answering so I twisted the knob. He's room is really huge. I came near to his bed and saw a sleeping angel. I shook him gently and said "Uhhh...Good morning Suho, breakfast is ready."

"Ohhh. Good morning Destiny." A sleepy voice responded. "Uhmmm...I'm sorry for budging into your room without permission. It's just that ---" I was about to apologize but Suho cut me of and said "Gwechana (it's ok) Destiny...I'll wake up the others and you go wake up your man." I was taken aback when he said 'your man'.

I directly went out of his room and came to Chanyeol's. I barged in. Well his still sleeping. I came near and I was about to wake him up, but instead he pulled me down and locked me with a tight hug. Our position is quite not good. I'm on top of him. I wanted to get out with this position, but he's to strong so I just let him be.

"Good morning Yeobo. Why'd you wake up so early? Come on, let's cuddle." He said half asleep.

"Good morning Yoda. Breakfast is ready." I responded.

"Yahh Yeobo why are you as red as a tomato?" He asked. I cupped my cheeks with embarrassment. Yeol let go with the hug and I immediately stood. "No I'm not." I said covering my cheeks.

"Yes you are!" He said teasingly. He then got out of the bed. And fixed a bit. "Yah stop teasing. You Yoda!" I replied.

"Wait, why did you call me Yoda, and who's that Yoda?" He asked. Were like little kids right now. Teasing all around. "Wahh you don't know Yoda? Well let's just say. You and Yoda resembles a lot." I said teasingly. Well finally I got a point. Teasing and laughter filled the room."Yoda let's go down now. We don't want the food to wait." I said. We ended the teasing session and headed for breakfast.

"Wahhh Bacons!" Baekhyun said. "Nyaah Baekhyun you can't eat this. You can't eat your family." Xiumin said jokingly. Baekhyun laugh sarcastically.

"The love birds are here." says Kris. Me and Yeol took our seat and started the breakfast.

"Ehhmm this taste great!" Xiumin said. "Well everything for you taste great, you baozi." Baek said jokingly. "Well.... but this thing really does. Even it's just a bacon but it taste great. Well who did cook this?" Xiumin asked. All eyes were werling around and they waited for someone to answer. "Destiny prepared this." Suho responded. "Ohh Destiny your a great cook. Seems like D.O and Lay hyung has another cooking mate." Xiumin said. I just smile and continue eating.

Breakfast was all filled with laughter and teasing. Teasing over there. Teasing over here. Teasing everywhere. Laughing over there. Laughing over here. Laughing everywhere. Living with this guys is surely a great thing.

Finally we finished breakfast. "Who's going to wash the dishes?" Luhan asked. "Well let's do the usual thing." Yeol replied. They did rock paper scissors and it seems like our dish washer for this morning is Tao.

Yeol invited me to his room. I wonder his up to. I followed him upstairs. We got in and I took a seat down the couch and waited for Yeol to speak up. Minutes later Yeol showed up holding a white rectangular box. I wonder what's in there.

"You, do your thing and wear this after." Yeol said as he handed me the box. I opened it and a beautiful lavender dress showed up. I was still clueless what is Yeol up to. "Yahh why aren't you moving? Go and wear that. Uhmma bought that for you." Yeol said. His mom? But why? "Uhmmm Yeol is there something special today?" I asked. "Were going on a date. Got it?" Yeol replied.

"Now I understand."


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