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It's been awhile I haven't been to school. Well for sure I'm excused with all of my absences. Here I am right now taking a few steps to school. This would be a great exercise every morning. While walking I can't help myself thinking what had happen a few days ago. From the vacation to the day we're officially dating with Yeol.

Upon thinking my new phone rang and I received a call...

Yeol: "Good morning yeobo."

Me: "Good morning Yeol and hey what's with the yeobo thing,your not even my husband YET."

Yeol: "Do we really have to get married before I can call you that? Don't worry we'll came to that point. Anyways good luck for school and always do your best, arraso?"

Me: "Ok Yeol. I better hung up'cause I'm near the school gate already. Bye. Saranghae ♥"

Yeol: "Ok bye. Nadu saranghae ♥"

The call ended with Yeol sweetly. As I was saying. I'm near to the school gate already. I slide my phone down to my pocket. I have to be extra careful with some sasaeng fans. Yeol told me to be very careful,especially with saesang fans. I examined the surroundings. Seems like I really have to be careful and one thing to do is put up a disguise. I unzipped my bag and got a cap. Making it sure they won't recognize me. I started my way. At first I thought it would be east.

"Lee Destiny!!!!"

A fan screamed out my name and I was totally alarmed. Look there plenty and I'm just here on my own. How am I going to handle this? I just run as fast as I can tell I reach the school gate. Some were taking pictures. Some gave me death glares. Some let out a foul words + my name on it. Some had banners,supporting the relationship we have with Yeol.

After running, like there was dogs chasing me. I finally arrived the school gate and there the guards handled the fans. I got in the campus sweating and messy. Good thing it's still early,there are still only few students present. I rushed directly to the wash room and fixed myself. I fixed my hair, did some retouch with my small amount of make up. I don't really like to apply too much make-up,I prefer just to be natural,but if I really have to,then no choice. I did all the things needed to be fixed but there's one thing that makes me uncomfortable and there's a little pain. I checked my arm and saw a wound on it. Maybe from the chaos awhile ago. I just didn't bother since it's just a minor injury. I headed to my room and like a cue the bell rang and the class started. Everything in class never changed.



And all.

Even though it's tiring I have to do this.

Finally it's break time. I had to the cafeteria for some food. When I was in line. A unfamiliar pretty girl approached me.

"Hi there! Destiny right? By the way I'm Seulgi."

"Ohh! Hi Seulgi." I beamed brightly. After the food landed on our plates we took the same table.

"If I'm not mistaken are you the Seulgi from SMent's new debut girl group?" That girl with orange highlights. "Yes I am from Red Velvet."

"Wahh such a cute group name. If you've debut already, why did you still attend here?" I politely asked. "I'm just fixing things here and it wouldn't take long." She stated.

The break were filled of chats and laughs. It came to the point other students were looking at us like we just came out from the mental hospital. This Seulgi is really great to hang with. I think we can be great friends.

Its now dismissal. Yeol texted me awhile ago to meet in EXO's dorm. I'm now heading to the bus stop. I was taking a few steps on the way to the bus station. Its quite dark in here but enough to see what's on the way. I was enjoying the music of Bigbang, 'Good Boy.' I'm going near the bus station when someone suddenly pulled me and  covered my mouth with an unusual smell.


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