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Yesterday was the best day ever. I never thought that Yeol would plan that kind of special date. Well dates are suppose to be special. For today I'm going back to school after what had happen. And less worries because body guards are here. Now I'm fixing myself and ready to go to school. As soon as I finish fixing myself I went down. 

"Destiny, you going to school?" Xiumin asked while having a cup of coffee. I just nod and showed my eye smile. I took a seat and have my breakfast with Xiumin. He had many questions about myself and many more. Like a getting to know you session. I went to check my watch, and guess what I really have to go.

"Xiumin oppa, I guess I have to go." I stood and got my bag. "And please tell Yeobo that I'm off to school." I told him. He did say yes and bid goodbye. I went of the dorm and the car and body guards are ready. It's seems like I'm not the one who is ready also. Also the body guards. I hop on and now heading to school.

It took minutes before we can enter the school grounds. Since people, particularly fans, saw me. So they began crowding around. Fans were yelling. Giving there supports. Death glare can't be avoid. Finally we entered the school. But before that the bodyguards secured every area that no one can hurt me. We are now at the school grounds and students can't stop staring at us. Since the principal of this school is a great friend of my uncle Lee it won't be a great trouble.

"Uhmmm bodies, you can just stay here out of the room. I'll be fine inside. Don't worry I'll just call your attention if needed." I instructed them. They are really obedient. I don't want to call them bodyguards, I just want to call them buddies and besides they dress-up formally, like you can't tell that they are my buddies. I step in the room and went to my seat. I hang my bag beside the chair. Arranged my books. Took a seat. Opened the letter from my locker. 

Destiny your so beautiful. Let's be together. I don't care who your boyfriend is, as long as we can be together. 

I was shocked with the first letter. Does this guy even care me having a relationship with an EXO member. I opened the other letters.

Destiny, my sunshine, my happiness. 

Destiny, you're destined for me. 

There's still more to that. I decided to open one last more before the bell rings.

Lee Destiny, I don't know how to say this, but I like you or is it love, I mean I love you. I know that your together with hyung. But don't worry I wouldn't make any distractions between you. 

I was surprised. Is this guy from EXO, but who and how come? I threw many questions to myself. It's hard to recognize this letter since it's not handwritten, printed and no name can be seen, unlike the other letters. Maybe I will know someday. There's no secret that can't be revealed. I folded the letters back and put it inside my bag. There's still 5 minutes before the teacher well come in. I just wondered around, till students came to fill the room. 5 minutes went by and the teacher is here. It's science for today. 

"Good morning class. Before I'll start the class. We have a new student here." The science teacher said and gestured someone to get in. I don't exactly know his name since I've been absent for a week or so. 

"Good morning. I'm Lee Sungyeol. I hope we can be friends." A tall,handsome guy and his a bit shy introduced himself. "You can see beside Ms. Lee." The teacher said. He came towards the seat on my left and sat. "Hi I'm Destiny, Destiny Lee." I said to him. He showed his smile and nod. The teacher starts his lecture and it's about biology. My favorite. I listen attentively.

"For this quarter's project it will be by partner and whoever is your seatmate, he or she will be your partner. Due after 2 weeks." The teacher said. Complains were heard from the students, but there's nothing they can do. Sungyeol and I will be partners. The teacher began to discuss about the project and we took down notes. The first and second period ended. Since we have double period in science it took our time talking about the project. It's no break time and I planned to invite Sungyeol to come. 

"Ahhhh Sungyeol do you have any friends here already?" I asked him. "Not yet." He replied. "Mind if I event you for break, let's just have some friendly talk and also about our project." I said. He directly said Yes. We went out the room. Before taking the steps wherever we wanted to have our break, I talked to the bodies. I told Sungyeol to wait for awhile. "Buddies we're going somewhere. You can just stay at our back. Arraso?" I asked them, they just nod like little puppies instructed by the owner. My bodies are really cute,obedient and friendly. "Sungyeol just don't mind them, ok." I said. I decided to treat him bubbletea.

Well since this school can let students go out in breaks provided the permission of the teacher. "Sungyeol let's have bubbletea, my treat." I said. We went out of the campus and rode to Cafioca. It's Sehun favorite bubbletea shop and maybe he'll come in no time. We arrived the shop and ordered what we wanted and I payed for it. 

"Sungyeol, last year where did you attend school?" I started the conversation. "Uhhmmm last year I attended school in America." He replied. "Woh! that's great so you can speak in english?" I interrogated in English. "Just a little. How about you?" He spoke. "I'm originally from Philippines. I leave there with my mom. I came here to Seoul for my mom send me here."  I responded. "Are you half Korean?" He asked. "Yes, I am."

We had plentiful questions about each other and also we stared discussing about our project. While discussing I saw a person and guess what it's Sehun with....Chanyeol. Where's Luhan,why brought Chanyeol here? I asked myself. I excused myself to Sunyeol and approached them. "Sehun and Yeobo what brings you here and why Yeobo, where's Luhan?" I asked. "Hyung said he's treating me bubbletea after he loss the bet." He replied. 

"You, Yeobo, why are you here and who's that guy? Don't tell me your cheating on me." Yeobo asked. "It's our break. I decided to treat my new classmate and seatmate a bubble tea and hey I'm not cheating on you. That will never happen." I told him. They came to the counter and ordered. 

"Destiny we're not taking long here, we just met at the dorm later and will talk and wait where are your body guards?" He said eyeing Sungyeol. Ahh this guy really. I murmured to myself. 

"Arraso Yeobo. My buddies are just there." I said pointing them. "Well, we better go and be careful." He said still eyeing Sungyeol. I came back to Sungyeol. "Is he your boyfriend? Is that right what I've heard your leaving on the same roof?" Sungyeol asked. Why so sudden with the second question. "Luckily yes, he is my yeobo and yes were leaving on the same roof. Not just us but the other 11 members." I answered. 

"Don't you fell uncomfortable leaving with 12 guys?" He asked before taking a sip. "I find it comfortable. It's less drama"


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