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It's a tiring day today, I mean everyday. But there's only who can lighten my day. Destiny. I reached my phone on the table and send her a message.

"Yeobo! After school, please visit us here in the dorm. Juseyo. Saranghae. <3"

I bet she's still in school right now. I hope she can read it.

"Ok Yeolliee. <3"

Just then she replied. Even with that short notice I can't stop myself drawing a smile.

Hyungs made-up their minds for a pizza delivery. "Manager Hyung, can you bring pizza here." Xiumin said as he read aloud his message to our manager. Not for awhile, the pizza came. We started feeding our growling stomach.

I checked my watch. I realized that's it's past Destiny's class hours. I began calling here but she wouldn't answer.

"Yeol what's with the face?" Baekhyun suddenly asked. "Remember, I texted Destiny awhile ago to come here at our dorm?" I stated and Baek just nod. "And what's up with that?" Baekhyun once again asked. "It's pass her class hours now but even a single message or call didn't came. I'm just worried. You know the world now a days--"

"Don't worry too much Yeol. Who knows maybe she'll come in know time and cheer up. YOUR Destiny is brave." Baek said as he made his way to the kitchen. But I still couldn't stop myself from worrying.


My phone then rung and got a call from Destiny. I immediately picked it up. I was about to say hello but I heard something really strange...


I woke up feeling a little dizzy. I came back to my senses and examine the surroundings. All I can see is I'm in a dark room and a light above me. I was about to move, then I realized I'm tied in a chair.

"Min! She's awake!" Yells a girl with I think same age as me. Then a girl showed up with her arms together and sending me death glares.

"So you're awake DESTINY LEE, OUR OPPA'S GIRLFRIEND." That girl named Min said. "What do you want?" I tried myself not to show any nervousness towards her. Maybe she'll took advantage. "Ohh. What a great question. We want you out of our oppa's life and stop flirting with EXO." Min said.

"How can you say that. If you're a true fan of EXO, if you're truly an EXO-L you'll accept every decisions your oppa makes and deal with it. They're humans too. They can make decisions on there own! And FYI I'm not flirting with them!" There I said aloud my thoughts.

Which makes Min really very angry and made her slap me. With that my tears started pouring like rain. That was really painful. Never in my life I was slapped. Only this girl.

"You are really brave huh! Well  let's see if you're still brave!"


She then called her other members. They started going near me and tried to hit me with something. I tried to budge the others, but mostly it hit me. I just let them continue what there doing,since I have no power to fight back. I felt like I'm dying. All I wish that Chanyeol can come and rescue me before it's too late.


My phone then rung and got a call from Destiny. I immediately picked it up. I was about to say hello but I heard something really strange... I can here a girl's voice

"Min! She's awake!" A strange girl yells and called this girl. "So you awake DESTINY LEE, OUR OPPA'S GIRLFRIEND." Probably that's the girl, Min. "What do you want?" Finally I got to hear her voice, but it pains me, her voice wasn't that sweet. From that I know she's in trouble.

"Ohh. What a great question. We want you out of our oppa's life and stop flirting with EXO." Min said it again."How can you say that. If you're a true fan of EXO, if you're truly an EXO-L you'll accept every decisions your oppa makes and deal with it. There humans too. They can make decisions on there own! And FYI I'm not flirting with them!"

After hearing all their rough conversations. I was surprise when I heard loud banging and Destiny sobbing. I directly stood and called the other members.

"Hyung! Destiny is in great trouble!" When I said that they started running out like crazy and started asking consecutive questions. "Stop with the questions! We need to rescue my girl!" We then rushed out the dorm and I drove the van as fast as I can.

As I was driving my tears can't stop pouring. I can't lose her. She's my one and only.

Like a blink of an eye I stopped the van in front an abandoned warehouse. I just had strong feeling that she's here. We started splitting into groups to make things easier. We searched every room.

"Hyung! Do you hear that? I think that's Destiny." Kai said. We followed the sobbing. And in there I found a girl lying on the ground and tied on a chair. I immediately sprinted. Her face is wet with tears and blood.

"Destiny! Destiny please wake-up". I said taking her into my arms, but there was no response. I checked her pulse, it's still there. I carried her bridal style and brought her directly to the hospital.

"Are you Destiny Lee's guardian?" After 2 hours inside the emergency room the doctor finally went out."Yes, I am. How is she?" I asked worriedly. "Well she's fine for now. We just need to confine her for a week. If she's doing fine, she can be discharged." The doctor said. Although I knew that Destiny's condition now is fine, I'm still really angry to who did this to her.

They should be punished.


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