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This Sungyeol went the practice room, but Destiny stayed. Isn't she planning to go home? 

I waited for minutes 'till she rushed out the room. But still. No Destiny went out the practice room.

I finally decided to just go in. "Tiny noona! Aren't you planning to go home yet?" I said it like pretending I didn't knew what happened earlier.

"Hi Kai! Not yet. I just don't feel like going home yet, especially that Hyejin is flirting with my Yeobo. I just want some little time to cool down. Why are you here by the way?" Obviously she's annoyed and jealous. I can't blame her. Seeing her like that makes my heart broke into pieces. Why does Chanyeol has to do this, she doesn't deserve this. "Uh I was planning to practice, but I think I don't have that ogre anymore. Maybe I'll have it tomorrow." I replied.

"Noona, do you mind if I accompany you here?" I added not to feel the atmosphere awkward. She gave a nod as a reply, paired with her sweet smile. I/m falling more for her, but this isn't write.

We both leaned the wall. "Noona are you and Yeol hyung alright? Are you two having a fight?" I asked and started the conversation. "Actually Kai...I don't know either. It confuses me a lot." She sounded really sad. She even took a deep sigh. "Days ago he was so sweet and all, but when that Hyejin came he changed. It feels like he enjoys more her company than mine." I felt sorry for her. 

"Its ok Tiny. I'm sure Yeol hyung has something up t---" Before I could finish my sentence she asked. "Do you know what his up to Kai?"

To speak frankly I know a bit, but I think it isn't my right to tell her

It should be hyung. "Sorry noona, but I don't know." I lied. Then the atmosphere became silent for along time. I don't know what to ask or even tell.

"Noona, don't you think it's getting late already..." I approached her. She cupped her pocket and got here phone. 10:00 PM. That's what it read. Time slip to fast. "We better go now Kai. Maybe they are worried already." I stood. I lend my hand for her to stand.

I walk in first and tried to twist the knob, but it's lock. Wow lock inside a room. Isn't that great. "Kai what's the problem?" Destiny came and interfere my thoughts. "Noona, I think we are going to stay here for the night." After that Destiny came by the door and twisted it, still the same thing it won't open. "I think so too Kai."

We leaned back to the wall and to a seat together side by side. There's a part of me saying that I'm to lucky to spend the night with her, but also a part of me says it isn't good. I just let the situation handle it. Staying with the girl you love in a single room feels right.

Upon thinking a felt a weight in my right shoulder. I took a glance and it's Destiny soundly sleepy. A took a bit out of her hair to see clearly her angel face.

She's too beautiful and innocent to be treated like this by Yeol hyung. If hyung continue this and break her heart. I wouldn't take any second thoughts stealing and making her fall for me...


Finally Hyejin went home. I'm really saving my temper. I can't even bare to see her. I wish she will come again. "Yeol did you see Kai?" D.O asked around the kitchen. I can't even find Destiny. I tried calling her but she's out of reach. It's getting late now. I'm worried now. I just hope she's safe.

buzz buzz

From Kai

What a relief she's safe. But why is she in the practice room at this hour and why are they together?


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