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She wore her navy blue skirt, long white sleeves, navy blue necktie and paired with black high cut converse. She's on her way to school. 

Destiny kept wondering around since she's not familiar with the school and she left the so called map of the campus.

It was a blink of an eye then found her section. Section B. She came 5 minutes before the time. She took a seat near the window. 

"Good morning Section C. Welcome on your first day of school. I'm Ms.Kim…"

"…and we have a new student here. Mind introducing yourself." Ms.Kim called her attention so she went in front then start to intrude herself.

"Annyeonghaseyo Destiny Kim imnida. I hope we can all be friends." She ended with a bow and with a cute smile.

"Good morning Ms.Kim. Sorry I'm late" A familiar guy went to class. Destiny tried to recall where he have seen him.

"Ahh his the guy from the park, Bae....Baek...Hyun. Oh yes Baekhyun" Destiny thought.

Baekhyun came to the empty seat which is beside Destiny. Baekhyun seem to recognize her so they greeted each other. They were both delighted with the fact that they saw each other again.

Destiny was busy packing her things when Baekhyun came to her and ask

"Destiny let's have lunch together with the guys" She just nod without hearing clearly the last phrase. They found a table and the other guys start coming.

"Baek who's this girl with you, she's hot." A dark toned guy started the conversation.

"By the way guys she's Destiny Lee. She's a new student there." Baekhyun said. Then the other guys start introducing.

"We are one! We are EXO!" One by one they intrude theirselves.

Now it's time for Destiny to formally introduce herself.

"Annyeonghaseyo Destiny Lee imnida. Niece of Uncle Lee Sooman." They were all in awe by the fact that she's the niece of their CEO.

"Soo you're the niece of Teacher Sooman" stated the guy with elf ears. Destiny nod then they all start digging with their food. Lunch ended and they went to their classes. Chanyeol and Destiny were on the same class so they headed to their room together.

At last it was dismissal. Chanyeol accompanied Destiny till she arrived home.

"See you tomorrow" Chanyeol stated. While Destiny got her keys. They both bid good bye.

Upon entering her house, Destiny felt a unusual feeling, like she fell so happy with Chanyeol. There was no time that she didn't stop laughing because of his corny jokes and everything.


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