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"Hello who's this?" Her dearly sleep was disturbed when she heard the ringing.

"Sorry to wake you up my dear. But this is really urgent. Your uncle wants you to come here at the SM building as soon as possible." 

Destiny was too lazy and sleepy to get up from bed, but she has to. 

"What's this urgent thing and why do they have to call at this hour!!!" Destiny complained. She really hates when her sleep gets disturbed.

Destiny arrived at the building at she directly went to his uncle's office.

When she came in, she saw Chanyeol. What wondered her is that why only Chanyeol, where are the other members?

"Good morning Destiny, sorry to wake you up this early." Destiny sense something really serious going on. Chanyeol kept on taking a glance. 

"It's just that there's a news that caught my attention." Lee Soo Man greeted Destiny. Soo Man showed her some articles

Is EXO Chanyeol dating?

Who is this lucky girl?

Chanyeol caught on the streets late at night with a girl.

Destiny was shocked. She was puzzled about the situation that she got into.

"Don't worry Destiny will fix this, if you'll agree with one condition."

After Destiny heard that, her eyes grew big and her heart pounded.

How can a nobody just date an idol?

What fans will give bad comments and bring EXO down?

"Ahhh...Destiny what situation did you got into. Pabo pabo!!!" She blamed herself for everything. Tendency, it won't just her be affected, also EXO's popularity. Great! Just great!

Destiny just agree with his uncle's condition since it wouldn't last long. Will just wait for the time until this news gets settle.

Destiny and Chanyeol went out the building holding hands and acting like real couples. Fans were there too and they were shocked. Some gave Destiny death glares. Some gave them also there support for a new dating couple.

Chanyeol invited Destiny for a meal. They went to Viva Polo.

"Ohhh...Chanyeol, what brought you here and who's this beautiful girl right beside you?" Chanyeol's mom was shocked with their sudden visit and to add Chanyeol was with a girl.

"Nice to see you again mom. By the way she's Destiny, Destiny Lee." Chanyeol said while holding tightly Destiny's hand.

"Nice to meet you Ma'am." Destiny said then showed her respect. They went directly to the VIP area.

Chanyeol went to get something and Destiny was left alone in the table, until his mom came.

"Destiny right?" Destiny knod.

"You know what, I find you perfect for my son. I hope your relationship last long and please take good care of him ok." Chanyeol's mom said. 

Destiny showed her assured smile.

"Eomma! What are you telling to Destiny, are you embarrassing me in front of her?" Chanyeol joked around.

"Don't worry son. It's just a girl talk."

"I won't dare to embarrass my handsome son in front of her beautiful girlfriend and soon to be wife."

Chanyeol just showed his annoyed look to his mom. Now they were left alone with Destiny.

"Are you sure you agree with your uncle's condition, if not then I'll just tell him you can't." Chanyeol started.

"Yes, I'm actually fine with this thing. It's just that I'm clueless about dating 'cause I never dated someone before." Destiny replied.

"Ohh really. So I'm the first huh? Don't worry. Leave it to me. Just don't forget what your uncle had just said 'don't let anyone know that you're not actually dating'"Chanyeol imitated Soo Man's voice, which showed Destiny her bright smile.

"You know what"

"You're beautiful when you smile." 


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