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Two years. Within those days, we offered our life in dancing. Currently we are a trainee under a company connected to the big three company. We didn't expect this. Thanks to that contest.

Here we are in the practice room. We have a break after the exhausted practice. "Best, I received a notification from our manager." 

Girls please prepare for a dance performance. You will be performing with the Best International Boy Group of Korea. They will have their first concert here in the Philippines and you are one of the guests.

"I wonder who are they. I hope they're handsome." Danica exclaimed. Excitement is written all over our faces. "So guys we need a serious practice now. Lets get back to work." I instructed them.

"Ahh best, I have a suggestion" Clare said. I eyed her the spill-it-out look. "Uhmm, can we dance a boy group?" I'm shocked. Its rare that we will dance a boy group. "What group is in your mind?"

"EXO." Of all groups, why them? "Best, you damn know that I'm in the rough process of moving on." I sighted. 

"That's it. We'll try of you have fully moved on."

"Fine. EXO it is. What song?"

"Overdose." They chorused. "Tsk. Just Overdoes. That a piece of cake." I assured them. But deep inside its hard. I can't let this team down. 

Monitoring their dance, I can't deny the fact. I miss them. I miss their presence. "Ok guys, we only have three days left. So lets do this!"


Two years without her felt like two decades without rain in a deserted area. Let the universe bring us together again. "Excited?" Baekhyun tapped my shoulder. "Who can't be."


"Best, I'm nervous. Its our first time to perform in this huge crowd." Danica said. "Chill. Imagine we're performing in front of our parents."

"Dancing machine, calm yourself. Promise this will be the best day." They are being again. Actually the past three days, they're damn weird. The other day I was enraged with their constant mistake and excuses but I was able to handle them though.

"Girls it's your turn. Good luck."


"Hyung, Tiny noona change a lot" She changed very much. She improved her dancing skills. One thing for sure that didn't change is my love for her.

Your love, igeon overdose. 


We finished the dance perfectly. "Good job girls." Our manager said backstage. "Now it's the moment of the truth. Who they really are. Sino ba talaga ang pagkoconcert ngayong gabi." The VCR started.

"This can't be." 

"Holy freakin molly! All a long you know that its EXO. Why didn't you tell me? I shouldn't have--"

"You will not join. This is exactly our plan Destiny." Its all their plan. Now I know the reason of their weirdness. 

"We obviously know that you still love that Yoda. For two years we were observing you Destiny. You weren't different not until you loose him. We know there's an empty space in your heart. That's why we planned this. Its obvious you still love each other." Yes, I still do love him. Two years is that hard to forget him. Its really damn hard to move on.

Mulleo seoji anheumyeon dachyeodo molla


"We are one! Annyeonghaseyo EXO imnida." 

"Annyeonghaseyo EXO voice and happy virus. Chanyeol imnida." I intrude myself. I stopped for awhile before I continued talking. " a special day because it's our first concert here in the Philippines. But other purpose of mine going here is..." All the other 11 members went backstage. As planned.

"It's because I want to get what's mine before."

"And this time, I promise you, letting you go will never be my option."

"Lee Destiny?"


"Tiny?" Baekhyun fetched me backstage. I felt my feet shaking like crazy. 

"Hi Destiny. It's been along time." He knows English?. Maybe Kris tought him. Nothing can explain how much I miss hearing his voice, his derp smile, him.

I covered my crying face in front of million people.  

"It's been two years Destiny. Two years feeling unusual. Two years of emptiness."

"I wasn't use not too see you. But now I'm in front of you. I can't let you go anymore." I can feel his sincerity. He never change.

He went down on his knees. I'm shock as hell! What to do?!

"Lee Destiny. Soon to be Park will you be mine forever." 

"Yeol---" I took a deep breath. 





























"Yes, Yeobo" Screams and cheers went back. "I love and I miss you." I whispered. "I love and really really miss you too." Sagot niya. 



Is this even possible? He pulled me into a hug and there our lips collide.

"Congrats Yeol!"


"Did you enjoy my story baby Jasper?"



"Hi Yeobo." 

"Daddy, mommy told me your love story."

"Your mom never get tired narrating that."

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