"We're back"

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I'm on my way to my apartment. Hoping it is still available. Once I stepped out the cab with my luggage, I hop on the elevator and to my room before. I reached the floor. I tried twisting the knob,but it's lock.

"Excuse me, does anyone occupy this room already?" I interrogate on the lady, who passed by. "I think someone occupied that already." She replied. I was a bit regretful hearing that. Now where am I suppose to go?

I cared my luggage down to the ground floor. I'm about to leave the apartment when... "Destiny?" I heard my name from a far. I looked back and saw Sungyeol. "Oh Sungyeol! Why are you here?" I asked. He came near and spoke. "I leave here, along with my hyung." I thought about what he spoke. "You have a brother?" I asked him. 

"No it's just a friend. By the way, why are you here and why are you bringing your luggage. I thought your living with EXO?" He peaked and sow my heavy luggage. "Ahhhh I just felt like moving for awhile. I came here hoping my apartment still available, but sadly not." I uttered.

"Would you like to stay on our apartment for awhile?" He offered. I thought about it. Maybe it's not a bad idea. "If you insist and if I won't be some what a burden." I spoke. "Ohhh sure sure." He got my luggage and helped me. "Don't think you're a burden ok. And if so you're the most beautiful burden on earth." He joked. We  both let out a giggle.

We arrived at the 4th floor. Sungyeol entered a passcode, same as in EXO's dorm. Is he an idol or something? I said behind my thoughts. Maybe I'll asked later.

Not for long the door opened and we went in. Their apartment is really spacious,like mine. I miss my apartment. "Sungyeol! I thought you're going home late?" A boy asked. I think they have the same age. Maybe his the hyung, Sungyeol was talking about awhile ago. "And who's that girl, is she your girlfriend? Wahh! Sungyeol I'm proud of you." He added. "She's the girl I told you. My seatmate. My classmate. My friend. Destiny. Lee Destiny." He introduced myself.

"Annyeonghaseyo Destiny imnida."

"Annyeonghaseyo Woohyun imnida." Ahh so his Woohyun. What a nice name. 

"She will be staying here for the mean time." Sungyeol informed. "Tiny you can stay on my room." How kind for him. "Wouldn't it be a bother to you?" I inquired "No it's definitely alright. You can check it now. I'll carry your luggage." I followed him to his room. His too kind.

Unlike other guys. His room is like Xiumin's. It's really clean and organized. I miss baozi. "I hope you will be comfortable here. I'll just get some of my stuffs so you can put yours." He exclaimed. "Neumo kamsahamnida Sungyeol. Someday I'll repay you." I recite. "Welcome Tiny. It's what friends do and I'll wait for the time of repay." He assume and left the room.

11 messages

24 missed calls

Jinjja. I missed messages and calls too much. Let me check it.

From Suho

Tiny where are you staying for a short time. I can buy a the whole apartment if you want.

This rich kid really.

From Baekhyun

Tiny where are you.  We miss you already. When are you coming back? We still have the eyeliner tutorial. ㅋㅋㅋ

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