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"Annyeong Destiny!" Kai welcomed me home from school. After the bubbletea scene and class I directly headed to the dorm, as told by Yeol and he said we will talk. I made my way to the kitchen to get some water. EXO-K members are only present right now. Probably they are going to China. "Kai, where's Yeol?" I asked Kai and handed down the glass of water. "Uhmmmm he--he's up in his room." He replied. "Are you ok Kai?" He just nod. He sweats a lot these days.



 I asked between opening the door. I saw Yeol lying on the bed. Busy playing with his PSP. "Yeobo, I'm here." I greeted him. He just took a glance and went back to his game. What's up with him? I thought. I went near him and took a glance what he's busy with. "Yahh Yeobo, what's up with you?" I asked him but he seem not to even stop with his game. I kept a distance from him and wait until he speaks up. 

"What's up with me? I think,I better ask you that. What's up with you and who's that guy in the bubble tea shop?" He finally spoke. Ahh about Sungyeol. What's the matter with that? I asked myself. "Ahhh he's Sungyeol. He's my new classmate, friend and seatmate. You know what Yeobo he came from a foreign country." I explained but he still now contented. "Soo?" He asked. 

"Yahhh...Are you sick?" I cupped his head, but he's not having fever. "Well, you're not, but why are you acting like this?" I thought for a time. I guess I know now. "Yeobo are you jealous with Sungyeol?" With that he finally stop his game and faced me. "I'm not." He said plainly and crossed his arms.

"Wahahahahahaha Yeobo is jelly." I teased around. "Just admit it." I kept on teasing him. 

"Yahh enough. Yes, yes I am jelly." He finally admitted it. I gave him the why look. "Yes I'm jelly because your with other guy and ---" 

"Yeobo don't worry I won't fall for other guy."He then gave me a sweet hug.

"Saranghae Yeobo." He whispered.


He reached out his PSP and continued his game. I changed from my uniform to a more comfortable clothes. I came back to Yeol and watched as he play. 

It's only on the New Year's Eve that we are able to celebrate all together.

Everyone is busy today since it's New Year's Eve. Others were busy decorating the dorm and guess what, the manager is here. We are not that close but I'll make sure that today we will. I'm here in the kitchen mixing the carbonara salad. I volunteered since I don't want to do anything while the others are busy.

"Tiny that looks yummy." 

Lay said. Calling me Tiny was new to me. It's been ages since I heard my nickname way back from the Philippines. Speaking of the Philippines I need to make a video call to uemma later. 

"Yay! I can't wait to eat." Xiumin said. "Yahh! You're always hungry." Chen joked around. I continue mixing the ingredients when I felt two arms circling around my belly.

"My Yeobo is so busy. Maybe he'll forget about me." Yeol spoke and gave me a hug. "Yeobo. I maybe busy, but between those business I always think of you. Arraso?" I said to him. 

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