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Here I am in front of EXO's dorm. Wondering to knock or not. To get in or not. Well...I just did what I was suppose to do. I was about to knock.

"Ohh! Annyeong noona!" Sehun greeted. He let me in a got a sit. Sehun surely knows why I'm here for and who I am looking for.

"Chanyeoooooooooool-aaaaaah your girl is here." Sehun shouted. When Sehun said your girl I felt unusual. Since we're not really what we think are.

For a short time. Chanyeol showed up.

"Good morning Destiny. What brought you here and why didn't you notify me last night? I was all night waiting. I thought something bad happen to you." Chanyeol asked worriedly.

"Good morning too. I'm sorry I didn't notify you last night it's just I think -------- I lost my phone when were on vacation and I'm here to ask, if you can accompany for buying a new one." I stated.

"Oh so that's why. Ok I'll come with you. Did you already have breakfast?" Chanyeol then asked. "Uhhm...actually not yet." I said then Chanyeol lid the way too the kitchen.

There all the boys are waiting for Kyungsoo. "Good morning Destiny. Your just right on time. I'm done with this." Kyungsoo greeted me then handed down bacons + bread + milk for breakfast. What a healthy breakfast.

We all start digging in and filling our morning stomach.

After breakfast. Chanyeol and I headed to COEX mall for another phone. We took cab all the way there. While were on the cab Chanyeol was busy fixing his disguise.

"Destiny ah~ stop staring. I might get melt."

"And by the way you better wear a disguise also." Chanyeol said as he put on a cap on my head. I just smiled and shifted my gaze to the window.

Not for long we arrived at COEX mall. We went directly on the phone shop.

"Yeol, what do you think is the best phone to buy?" I asked Chanyeol since it's the first time I bought a phone here. "Uhhhm...Since where COUPLES. I think it would be great if we have the same phone and same cases. Would that be great?" Chanyeol replied emphasizing the word couples.

So we start to look for the phone same as Chanyeol and we find a couple case. "Ohh aren't they cute?" Chanyeol asked while sticking our phones together. I beamed my sweetest smile and a nod.

"Sure it is."

We went out from the shop and started walking. "Where do you plan to go next Destiny?"

"Actually I don't know Yeol. You do you have somewhere in mind?" I spoke. "Well...Let's have some fun. Let's have arcade." He replied. That really sounds fun. We started go on are way until we reached. When we arrived there. Many people were all having fun. Big smiles showing. And joyfully playing. Yeol gently grabbed my arm as we started playing.

Many people are noticing us now and started taking pictures. Yeol also notice it. Since he knows that this thing might get worst. We didn't take any second thought. Then went out the arcade. But the number of fans started to increase. We were running all out away from the fans.

Until such time we were now out from the mall and we took a rest on a nearby park. We start catching our breaths. Then we took a seat.

"Sorry for that again." Chanyeol apologized. "No it's fine, actually I had fun still." I said then shifted my gaze somewhere else. Chanyeol grabbed my hand and started.

"Destiny, can I ask you a weird question?" He suddenly said. "Ok. What's that weird question?"

"It's been a long time when we got into this."

"I just wanted to ask if---if---if." Chanyeol was cut-off. I knew he'd ask that. I'll make sure that my answer won't disappoint him.

"If I ever liked you?"

"Yes I do Yeol."

"Since when we first met. I knew I had feelings for you. I'm just afraid if our feelings weren't the same." Finally I said it. Finally I said the feelings that I've been keeping for long.

"Soo. Can you be officially my girl? No pretensions anymore?" Chanyeol asked with a big smile.

"Yes. Yeol. A big yes!!!!!!!"

I replied happily. Chanyeol then went near and gave me a tight hug.

"Yeol, how about uncle Lee, will he agree?" I asked. "Surely he'll agree. Since your his niece. And about the fans I'm sure they're support us. Don't worry too much ok?" Chanyeol said then hug me again.


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