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A sleeping Yoda came to her sight. Just then she realized that they were sleeping on the same bed. She enjoyed the facial features of Yeol.

"Look at that kissable lips and elf like ears." 

"Enjoying the view huh?!" Destiny was shocked when Yeol suddenly spoke. "Uhhhh...it's not that. Anyway good morning and why are you---we sleeping on the same bed?" Destiny blurted partly embarrassed.

"Ohh about that. You had a nightmare last night. You were shouting a guys name. It's Dae-- Dae-- Daeyong. Mind sharing who's that guy and don't worry I didn't take any advantage." Chanyeol said showing his bright smile. Enough to brighten up Destiny's day.

"You'll know that guy someday. I can't share it now, maybe some other time. arraso?"

"Let's go down and have our breakfast. I bet your tummy is growling right now." Yeol said. Destiny was exactly finish with her business and so they went out for breakfast.

"Good Morning Yeol! Good Morning Destiny!" Baek greeted and it seems like his in a good mood. "Good morning!" They both said in unison.

The table is starting to get filled up. They all started to have a seat.

"Good morning everyone! Ohhh, Destiny are you ok now?" Suho asked. Suho has this mother feels really. He worry very much.

"She's ok now hyung. It's because of me." Yeol answered and displayed his derp smile. "Awieee here comes the love birds again. Chanyeol answering for Destiny." D.O said. Then the other boys started to form heart with their hands.

"Guys enough. Breakfast is served." They all obeyed and start digging. Breakfast was full of chit-chats.

Now they are heading to the sea side to play volleyball. There were not much of people since it is private and they don't want any interruption.

Since there are 13 people, one couldn't play. The guys were having a discussion on who is going to play or not.

"Uhmmm, excuse me guys. You can just all play while I'll be the audience. Is that alright?" Destiny volunteered and the boys agree.

"Let's make this game interesting. Why won't we play a bet and that bet lays on Destiny. The winning team got to spend time with Destiny with the whole day and the losers will have the opposite. " Luhan suggested.

"Well, that's great." Suho agreed.

They were separated into groups EXO K and EXO M. The game commenced.

"I knew it we're going to win. Hahahaha. " Xiumin said joyfully.

"Naah! This is unfair. Destiny is my girl and I should have her the rest of the days." Chanyeol complained. Destiny was touch when Chanyeol said my girl.

"Sorry Yeol, but your team loose the game. Don't worry it's just for one day. You can have all the days with Destiny and don't worry we'll not harm her." Luhan said. 

"Come Destiny. Don't worry we're harmless." Chen said laughing. Chanyeol can't really accept the fact that he can't spend the day with Destiny. Worries were running on Yeol's head.

"Hyung don't worry. For sure they will take care of your girl." Kai patted his shoulder. "I hope so." He sighted. The M members along with Destiny rested on a nearby kiosk.

"Soo. Destiny we'll do our individual introduction and some facts about ourselves and you follow. arraso?" Kris said. Destiny nod. With that they started.

"Hi I'm Kris, also known as Picasso. My real name is Wu Yi Fan. I'm half chinese and candian." Kris started speaking in English. They were all amazed but some of them are clueless of what Kris is saying,but for Destiny she fully understood.

"Hi I'm Luhan, also the known as the deer. My real name is simply Lu Han. Lu is my family name and Han is my first name."

"Hi I'm Xiumin. The living baozi. My real name is Kim Minseok and I love baozis."

"Hi I'm Chen,known as the troll of the group. My real name is Kim Jongdae."

"Hi I'm Lay,the healing unicorn. I'm from Changsa and my real name is Zhang Yixing."

and lastly

"Hi I'm Tao, Huang Zi Tao. I love Pandas, wushu and Gucci."

"Destiny your turn." Xiumin said. Excitement was all written on the boys faces as it was Destiny's turn.

"Hi I'm Destiny, Lee Destiny. The niece of Lee Soo Man. Born in the Philippines along with my mother Lee Dara and my father Lee Daeyong. At an early age of 10, my precious father died. I'm the only child in the family. Lastly my birthday is on October 3."

Destiny finished her introduction. When Destiny stated that her father died everyone turn out to be serious.



"About your father can you share why he....he...died." Lay was hesitant with that question but it did came out.

"It happen when I was 10, specifically at our rest house." Destiny started.

"My family were having a vacation at that time in Baguio, somewhere in the Philippines. We were all happy at that day, until such time we didn't expect that some guys trespassed our house and tried to kill my father." Destiny's tears started dropping. 

"My father did all his best to protect our family 'cause we don't know what they are up to. In the end my father was gun shot and we were all left shocked. Until now I still don't know the exact reason of his passing. Even my mom couldn't exactly pin point the cause. Until now our safety is not that fully secured. That's also the reason why I came here in Korea. " Now Destiny cried hardly.

Lay came up to her and comforted her. "Destiny, we are truly sorry for bringing that topic up. Sorry!" Lay said then the boys started to apologize.

In the crying moments Someone was eves dropping. Chanyeol. The curious as if boyfriend. It wasn't really his intention to do that but because of curiosity,he did.

"Yahhh! I thought you wouldn't hurt her? What just happened?" Chanyeol then showed up since he can't stand Destiny on Lay's arms. Chanyeol gently pulled up Destiny and they went out. Destiny requested to take a walk for awhile to cool down.

"Sorry about what the hyungs did to you..." Chanyeol said worriedly. "No. It's ok. At least now I have someone to share the thing that I was keeping for years." Destiny replied. Destiny was feeling a lot better now.

Time passes by in a blink of an eye and they didn't notice it was getting dark and they haven't eaten yet.

"Destiny I think we need to fill up our growling stomach now." Chanyeol invited. Destiny nod and they begun moving. While on their way. They met Kris.

"Destiny. I'm very very very sorry about--" Kris was cut off. "It's fine, Kris. " Destiny cut him off and showed a smile. Cutting of is Destiny's forte.

Chanyeol was just there hearing his apologize then he butted in since his really hungry. "Destiny, let's go?"


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