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Normal as usual. Destiny came to school early. She directly went to her room. Took a seat. Plug her earphones and wait till her other classmates arrives.

"Destiny...Destiny." Destiny was awaken. She didn't notice that for a long wait she had fallen a sleep. Good thing her seatmate, Baekhyun, was good enough to wake her up.

"Wake up sleepy head." Baekhyun said shaking Destiny a little to prepare herself.

Just in time their teacher came and started the class. Badly it was Math, Destiny's hatest subject, probably others to. But even though she hated that subject still she need to participate. Destiny was like a superwoman. Listening, taking down notes and understanding was all she did. While her seatmate was there drifting to dreamland peacefully.

After all the struggles in the first subject at last it came to end. The bell rung and everyone was busy preparing to have break. Now it's her time to wake Baekhyun up.

"Yahhh. Baekhyun ssi wake up." She said a little harsh but was enough to let Baekhyun got up.

Baekhyun invited Destiny to have lunch with the guys. So she does agree.

The boys started to arrive one by one. 

Break went fast. But it was a flash that the boys and Destiny came to plan for a hang out this Saturday. They decided to go in Lotte World since Destiny was into amusement parks. They were all excited but behind this excitement Destiny was a little uneasy because maybe EXO-L fans may go crazy and thing won't go as planned. Destiny took a deep sight then got ready for the next class.

Days went like a flash and it's now Saturday. Destiny woke up early than usual to get herself ready. It can't be denied that she was excited, so with the boys, think so. Destiny went to her walk-in closet then start exploring what to wear.

It was like a year, then Destiny finally decided what to wear. Everything's well set. Her outfit,her hair and everything. Destiny didn't take much time grooming her hair since she like to look simple.

*ding dong*

The bell rung. For sure it was one of the boys. Destiny got her bag, along with her phone then went to the door. 

She was surprise to see a Park Chanyeol who was fully covered. It does seem normal because their idols and they need to have a disguise to avoid a flood of fans. Both went down the apartment. They had a little chit-chats. Chanyeol explaining things why they had to have this disguise. Destiny was smart enough to understand all his explaining.


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