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"Guys did you received Destiny's text" Xiumin asked everyone. The other members checked there phone if there is. "I received it also" Lay said. "Me too" The remaining members exclaimed. 

"What's happening with Tiny noona?" Sehun spoke "And with Yeol hyung?" He added. "Maybe they have a lovers quarrel." Chen replied. "I think this isn't just a simple quarrel, if not why would Destiny leave and notice awhile ago Destiny and Yeol didn't even shared gazes." Suho assumed. 

"I also notice that hyung. The way they look each other is totaly different." Sehun uttered. 

"This isn't good." Suho speak. "Very very not good." Chen said and shook his head. "Why not asked Yeol the real story?" D.O voiced out from the kitchen. "I thinks that's not right for now hyung. I think he needs time and space." Sehun put into words. 

"Wow! Words of wisdom from our maknae." Chen joked around. "Ohh our maknae had grown already." Luhan butted in. Sehun just showed his annoyed face. 


 Once I entered the dorm, I saw Destiny walked down the stairs bringing her luggage along with Sehun. Maybe she's right we need time and space for each other and I have to make up my mind. I uttered behind my thoughts. I took a glimpse of the girl I loved very much leaving. 

"Morning Yeol." Baekhyun greeted. But I didn't even bother. I need time to think. I usher myself to my bedroom. I shut the door and locked it. I threw myself in the bed and can't help myself shed tears. "This shouldn't be happening." I strike my fist into the bed with anger and disappointment. "If only I was brave enough to tell her the reason!!!" I exclaimed. 

knock knock

"Leave me alone!" I throw the pillow on the door. I really need a time to be alone...for now.


I made my way to Chanyeol's room and knocked. I expect him to open it, but sadly not. I returned back to the living room feeling sad for Chanyeol. "Don't worry hyung, Yeol hyung and Destiny will be ok." Tao patted Baek's shoulder. 

"I hope so, Tao." I replied restless. 

"Have you seen Jongin?" D.O screamed. By the way where is he? Did Jongin took part in this quarrel?


 After hyung stroke his fist on my face ahead. Destiny defended, but went with Yeol afterwards. "Taemin where are you right now?" I made a call to Taemin. He's the only that can accompany me right now. 

"Good morning Jongin! Uhhm still at the dorm right now. Waeyo?" Taemin asked. "Can you go here. SM building, practice room?" I demanded. I hope he will come. "Arraso Jongin. I'll be there." Eventually he is coming. I rested my head on my knee and waited for him.

I heard the door open and lifted my head. "Jongin what's up--- what happen to your face who did this to you?" Taemin exclaimed and examined the wound on my face. "You don't need to know Taemin and thanks for coming. You really a great friend." I replied and stood up. 

"Ok. What's your problem?He inquired. "Taemin is it wrong to love someone? What if the one you love, loves someone and that someone is close to you?" I  interrogate. "So it's love?" I lower and raise my head slightly. 

"Well it isn't Jongin as long as you didn't harm anyone, especially yourself. And --- If that's the case it's better to move-on and stay as friends. Who's the girl by the way?" 

Taemin's counsil can easily be understood and hardly done especially the endmost. I took time to register those phrase and to respond. "Kamsa Taemin. Promise me Taemin, you will not tell this to anyone?" I recite. "What are friends for." 

"It's ---" Taemin's phone intrude. "Yoboseyo?" He gestured me to wait for awhile. "Jongin I have to go. Our manager called and we are going to have a fan signing event." He uttered. "It's ok Taemin. Neumo kamsahamnida (thank you very much) Taemin. Good luck in your fan signing event." We bid goodbye and once again I'm left in the practice room. 

buzz buzz

 "Tell me the girl's name next time." Taemin texted. Surely Taemin will be outrage when he'll know who she is. I'm about to put my phone back to my pocket when...

"Kai where are you?" Kyungsoo texted. "I'll be home in few minutes hyung." I replied. I got my things and I vacate the practice room.


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