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They were all set. There were two vans to accompany them. EXO K and EXO M were separated then Destiny stayed with the K members. She was beside the window, beside her was Chanyeol. Members were busy with disguise while Destiny was mesmerized with the view.

"Yehet! Ohorat!"

"We're here! It's been along since we've gone here all together." The maknae is obviously lighthearted and thrilled.

The excitement was written all over their faces. To start of, they were separated again into groups and Suho, the leader lectured something for everyone's safety.

Since Lotte World is an amusement park there would be many people, they need to take extra careful not to cause chaos all over the place and to have a fun day.

K members started there way until they reach a roller coaster that can turn yourself upside down in 540 degrees. Some were afraid to take the ride. In the end. Chanyeol, Destiny, D.O and Kai took their risk.

The whole ride was full of screaming and with little laugh. They got out of the ride feeling dizzy. As Destiny was about to step out she trembled and got ready to meet the ground.

To her surprise. She was laying on Chanyeol's arm. Chanyeol caught her before she could hit the hard ground. "Gomawo." The other boys eyed them.

They were exhausted and decided to meet at the food court. 

"Guys, go ahead. I'll just go to the washroom." Destiny said. She was about to turn and make her way, someone caught her writs. It was Chanyeol. "Go ahead. We will be back." She was shocked by Chanyeol's sudden action but she didn't bother it anymore and just agree.

"Chanyeol oppa!!!!"

They were alarmed as they notice that there were fangirls who are aiming for Chanyeol. Chanyeol didn't take any second thoughts. He grabbed Destiny's hand and they started dashing out.

Finally fangirls were out of sight. They start to walk with their hands intertwined, without noticing it. They stop near a bench and took a time to catch their breaths.

"That was tiring." Destiny said as she wipe her sweat on her fore head and cough a bit. 

"Sorry to get you in trouble." Chanyeol apologized.


"Chanyeol where the heck are you?! We we're all worried sick!!" Suho was on the phone talking like a mother.

"Sorry to get worried hyung. Don't worry Destiny and I are on are way home." Chanyeol replied then hung up.

They got a cab. Chanyeol accompanied Destiny to her apartment.

"Good bye Yeol. See you probably tomorrow." Destiny said then got her keys.

"Ok...oh you called me by my nickname." Chanyeol said giving his sweetest smile.

Destiny smiled back then they all bid good bye and good night.


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