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We made our to EXO's dorm. The ride was filled with teasing. Chanyeol can't stop teasing me from what he read awhile ago.

Not for long. We arrived EXO's dorm. We careful snicked up. Dongjoon and Dahye helped out carrying the heavy boxes we've packed. When we're finally in front of EXO's door. Chanyeol then entered the numeric pass code. We heard a little sound which signals the door to open and could let us in.

"Hyung, Destiny noona. You're here!" Tao greeted us. With that, one by one the members showed up. They were like kindergarten students who is about to meet the principal. They were so discipline. 

"Yahh! What's with this thing? You all look weird and it doesn't suit you guys." Chanyeol said. I just giggled. Indeed they were to cute to be like that.

"Yeol, We're just doing Sooman's order. To be disciplined and all. Just not to feel Destiny uncomfortable here." Suho stated. They all came back to reality and with their real actions. We took a seat and the body guards put down the boxes.

"By the way, who are these guys? They seem new?" Kai asked. 

"Ahhh...They're are my body guards." I stood and started introducing them. "He's Dongjoon, Gu Dongjoon. He might look scary but don't worry he's friendly." Dongjoon then showed his cute eye smile. "And she's Dahye. Likely the girl version of Dongjoon. They'll accompany me where ever I or we go, for security purposes. And I think none of us wants to happen that incident again." I ended and went back to my seat. The boys just nod and had their relieved look.

"Guys have you eatin' your meals? If not, come. We cooked here ttokboki and kimchi." D.O and Lay shouted from the kitchen.

Honestly I was hungry all the way. I was just keeping and waiting for the right time. And I bit it's the right time now to feed my growling stomach.

We gathered around the table. I also invited the body guards. Maybe they're hungry also and to have some bonding also. 

Each of us took our seat. And of course, Chanyeol is beside me. He was on my right and Kai was on my left. D.O and Lay then served the food and we started digging.

"Destiny are you fine, now?" Upon eating Lay asked. "And, how's the food?" He added. 

"Well I feel more fine now and these food taste great. I think you guys can put up a restaurant." I answered. I took a spoonful. I really mean it. Its really delicious.

"Destiny noona, is it ok to ask about what happen before and during the incident and how did you managed to call Yeol." Tao throw another question.

It took me a second before to respond. Chanyeol then eyed me.

"Tao?!" Chanyeol then said. I took his hand and signaling it's fine to talk about it.

"Well if you all are wondering. What happened is..." I recalled all what happen. 

"I was on my way to the bus stop to visit your dorm. someone suddenly grabbed me and covered my mouth with a handkerchief. The handkerchief smell unusual, which I think causes me to fell unconscious." All eyes were on me now. They are like kids listening to the story attentively. 

"When I gained my consciousness, all I can infer is that I'm in an abandoned building. Then a girl showed up and called 'Min',maybe she's their leader. But before that happened. I got my phone and did the speed dial." Sehun's jaw is dropping. Luhan then gestured him to close it. I think he's amazed. I don't know.  

"I, myself didn't even know how I did that. But I just did. Yes, at that time I'm very nervous, but I learned to handle it and didn't panicked that much and was able to call Yeol. Then after that, Min had here so called her speech. She ended her speech calling the other girls. Then some girls were holding something. In no time they started hitting me. All I think at that time,was you guys to hurry. I was lucky that you guys came and especially Chanyeol."

"And I would like to apologized for putting you guys to worries and thank you for rescuing me and all the things you've done." I ended it. As I was recalling those things.

"Destiny noona, sorry for asking you that question. I shouldn't have." Tao apologized

"Like what I've said, it's fine Tao. You don't need to feel sorry. In fact, I should be." I replied. Chanyeol got his handkerchief and started wiping my tears. I just felt so lucky to have this guy by my side and my life. 

"No, Destiny. Don't feel sorry. It was our responsibility to protect you. We should also say sorry for coming late." Suho said. All members nod.

It took time to brighten up the atmosphere back.

"Guys. Can we stop this drama. Can we watch movie now?" Baekhyun then break the ice.

All of us went to watch movie. With the movie I felt comfortable now.

"Destiny, you can sleep on the bed and I'll be in the coach. I wouldn't take NO as an answer." This Yoda really. After the movie. We decided to take a rest. And I'm going to sleep on Chanyeol's room.

I don't have any choice. Before I lay on the bed. Yeol came and hugged me.

"Lee Destiny, soon to be Park Destiny."

"Don't worry anymore, you're safe now and forever. As long as I'm alive no one can hurt you. I will be your forever knight and shining armor. Saranghae." Yeol said between the warm and sweet hug. I felt so secured when I'm in his arms.

"Thank you Yeol for everything. Nadu saranghae." I replied and we broke the hug and decided to rest.


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