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"Wooh here comes the queen and king!" Chen said while clapping his hands. All of us inverted our gazed to the love birds.

"How lucky is Yeol hyung." I said and sighted. She's really beautiful and perfect, but she has Yeol already. This can't be. I focused back to the magazine I was reading. The hyungs kept on joking around with their presence, but I guess only Yeol's presence. Not for long they finally went out to have their date. 

"This feelings really, why why why?"

"Destiny noona. Is really charming. Hyung is too lucky to have her." Sehun said. Well his indeed lucky. If only-- My thoughts were cut off with Chen teasing me. "Sehuna~ Shut-up someone over here is envious also." This guy really. I just went upstairs to avoid bringing up that topic again, I Kim Jongin like Yeol's girl. Yes my feeling is true but it can't be.

I just made myself busy not to keep thinking about her. I'm busy playing when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I answered. It's D.O hyung. "Kai I know you're not ok. Your feelings towards Destiny we need to talk about that."  D.O suddenly spoke. I pause my game a face D.O. "What do we need to talk about that hyung?" I asked. There D.O brought the topic again, I just have to listen to him, maybe I can get some good points and finally move-on. "Ok, Kim Jongin. Let's get it straight. We all know, except Yeol, your feeling towards Destiny. But Jongin you need to stop that. If you don't want to hurt yourself or worst hurt Destiny or Chanyeol. I know that thing is hard, but you have to."  Hyung patted my shoulder. "Time will come the right girl will knock on your heart and both of you will have the same feelings. Maybe Destiny isn't the one. Just take your time Jongin. You're still young. You have many things to discover in life." D.O then left the room with those words.

Hyung is right, but how am I suppose to do that? eottoke (what to do)? eottoke? 

Maybe sometime I'll learn how to move-on...


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