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It's almost 10 already. I better get ready. I made my way to the bathroom and took a bath. Next to that I wore a dress paired with a cute doll shoes. I let my hair down naturally. I applied a little amount of make-up.

Once I finished. I never knew it was 10 already. I grabbed my phone and jacket and sprinted down.

"You're so beautiful Tiny." Sungyeol complimented. "Chanyeol is lucky to have a beautiful girlfriend like you." Woohyun butted in. "Thanks for those words guys. I better go. I'll be home really late so don't wait for me." I bid goodbye. "Enjoy." Was their last word before I left.

I took a cab to the park. I felt excited this night. I hope things will be fine now.


To Yeobo

She texted me first. She's on her way. Unfortunately we're not yet done with the filming. We're filming for IVY Club CF. I still need to stay. I don't want to disappoint her and keep her waiting on that cold park. "Sehun, what time is it now?" Since when did I became time conscious? "5 minutes before 10 PM." Fak! Our anniversary shouldn't end up like this.

"Hyung, can I go now?" I kept on asking Manager hyung. "Chanyeol. You've been asking me that a million times. Didn't you hear me? I said, NOT. YET" Manager hyung is upset already. 

"Yeol where are going? Why are you so in a hurry?" Suho approached. "Hyung remember anything today?" He pause and thought of something. "It's our 1 year anniversary today? She asked me if we can met at the park later and I said yes. I don't want her to be waiting, hyung."

"You may go now. I'll handle manager hyung." Suho spoked. Thanks really for Suho hyung. "Thanks hyung. I owe you one." Wait a bit Destiny


I've been waiting here for an hour and 30 minutes but still there's no sign of Chanyeol. Even a text there's none. I better go home or else I die here freezing.

I made my way out the park. I stopped when I saw a familiar figure from a far. I went near and nearer. From there I could tell that it's Chanyeol, but she's hugging someone. And it's a girl. I felt my heart broke into pieces.

I approached them. "Yeol?" Yeol broke out from the hug and faced me. I realized that girl is Hyejin. Hr again?! "How could you Yeol." I shouted with my eyes shedding tears. "Let me explain Yeobo." Yeol pleaded.

"Enough Yeol. Stop calling me Yeobo. Let's end this." I saw Yeol's tears strimming down. I turned my back and walked away. I can hear Yeol screaming my name and pleading to comeback. But I refused. Sorry Chanyeol, I had enough.

And I give up, dropped the delightful smile as a tear run down my cheeks and whispered to myself "I give up."


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