First Pace

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Her mind is fixed in going to Hyungdae Chungun High to finally enroll herself. She went to her walk in closet. Grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, loose shirt and paired with black converse. She proceed to her soon to be school

"Annyeonghaseyo ahjussi!" She brightly greeted the guard by the gate.

"May I know where's the principal's office?" The guard gave Destiny a sort of a map of the school to locate the principal's office. She start roaming around until she found the office. She knocks then gently open the door.

"Good morning! I'm Des--" Destiny didn't even finish her words.

"No need to introduce. You're Destiny Leeniece of Lee Soo Man. Born in the Philippines. 18 years old."

"Does everyone recognize me as much as I do?" Her thoughts began running around.

"If you're wondering why I know this things. Fortunately me and your uncle are best friends and he loves to talk about soo yaahh and by the way I'm Principal Lee Byunghun you can call me Mr.Lee" the principal stated.

"So lets discuss about the things here in school" Mr.Lee handed Destiny a booklet which says 'Student Rules'. Mr.Lee told her to read it to avoid chaos since the school is the only High School for SM entertainment artists. The school surely needs total security.

Since everything was clear and all she need is complete . She decided to go to a park near her neighborhood. The park was full of many colorful flowers with pleasant smell. She saw many children playing and their mom's guarding. She suddenly remember her mom in the Philippines. Its been a long time since they met. She sat then wonder her gaze around.

"May I seat with you?" She nod.

"You seem new here..." The stranger spoke. He more on look like a puppy. Destiny finds him cute. With those rectangle smiles and eye smiles.

"Ahhh by the way I'm Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun." He reached out for a handshake. Sounds like Bacon.

"I'm Destiny, Lee Destiny."

In a minute they talked random things. They feel comfortable with each other's company. Destiny felt like she's talking to her long term friend.

"I better go now."

"See you around"

Does this mean, they will see each other again?


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