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"Why are you here?" We inverted our gaze to the door step. Yeol's voice wasn't that really good. I bet is angry. "Why oppa is it bad to visit my ex--" Hyejin didn't finished her words and Yeol let her in. 

"Annyeong guys! I'm back." Hyejin greeted the others. The boys seems uneasy. What's with this girl? "Yeobo, I never know you guys knew Hyejin." I told Yeol. "Ohh hi Destiny, why are you here? Are you sort of their housekeeper? And, Yeobo?" She asked. What question is that. She thinks I'm their housekeeper? There's something with this girl really. 

"Don't talk to her like that." Kai blurted out. Everyone inverted their gaze to Kai. What's with his sudden action these days. "Hyejin she's my girlfriend. Don't talk to her like that." Yeol replied. His is calm now. Just the usual tone of voice.

She took a seat down the sofa. She sat like she owns the place. "What brought you here, Hyejin?" Suho asked. "Well I just miss Korea and my happy virus." Hearing that caught me of guard. "Happy Virus?! "

"Haha she just mean he misses me more than the others." Yeol added. The boys act really different now. Are they hiding things from me? I excused my to the kitchen. I took a glass of water. I didn't tried to comeback. I just observed the boys. On how they deal with Hyejin. They look so closed together. Looks like they known each other for long. 

They had endless talks with each other. I decided to went upstairs. I'm hoping that Yeol will notice me going up and call my name. But sadly he didn't he enjoyed much Hyejin's company. I better just sleep now or I'll just hurt myself from jealousy. 


Shit! Why is she here? I thought she'll live in Paris for good and never ever comeback. She didn't change. She's still talkative like ever. I regret allowing her to enter my life. But why'd she came back? What's running through her mind? I'm afraid her target is hurting Destiny just for me to go back to her, but that will never happen.

I know the hyung's feel uneasy now, just like how I feel. We need to go with her flow so that she'll not give any time with Destiny. Destiny excused herself to go to the kitchen. 

It's been awhile since she didn't came back. I secretly looked around and there I found her going to bed. I want to call her but Hyejin is here. "How's Paris?" I asked around just to keep the conversation going.Actually she like only talking to me. The hyungs still go with the flow. "Paris? Quite fun but it's more fun here." Hyejin replied. Ugh when will she go? I'm beyond annoyed by her presence. 


Her phone rung and excused herself. "Guys I need to go now. See you tomorrow." Finally she's going. But wait...did she said tomorrow? There's no way meeting here again. 

"Yehet! Ohorat! She's finally out. I've been keeping temper for so long.I really hate her!" Sehun blurted out. "Her existence is not my style." Kris commented. "Its better for her not to comeback anymore." D.O stated.

"Yeol, I think your relationship with Destiny now is in danger." Baek reminded me. "I know Baek. I'm really afraid about Destiny. We all know what Hyejin can do what she wants. She's no good. I wished I never let her enter my life." I sighed. 

"How about Destiny hyung?" Tao asked. "That's my problem now Tao. I think I just need to go with her flow so she won't lay a hand on Destiny." I exclaimed.I'll make sure of that. "Guys it's getting late. Let's sleep now. We have practice tomorrow." Suho blurted out.

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