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I got a text from Kai. What a relief she's safe. But why is she in the practice room at this hour and why are they together?

She's safe but there's something that bothers me. I need to get there.

"Yeol where are you going?" Suho questioned. "Just somewhere hyung." I answered. I hurridly got a cab and road to SM building.

In no time. I arrived at the building. It's past midnight ,so there are no fans lingering around. I directly made my way to the practice room. Luckily I got the key from the practice room. I slide down my hand to my pocket and got the key. I inserted the key.

To my surprise...

I saw a Jongin about to pick a kiss on Destiny....


"Jongin!" Yeol shouted with anger. Jongin was shocked and stood up. Destiny woke up from the fuss. "How could you do this Jongin!" Yeol started shouting. "I trusted you!" He added. He ended it with a punch on Jongin's left cheek. "Stop it Chanyeol!" Destiny spoke up and went to Jongin's side. Destiny helped Jongin to get up.

"Destiny let's go!" Yeol grabbed her hand and refused. "I said, let's go!" Yeol said once again and now Destiny followed him.

Jongin watched the two went out the room. "You will regret this hyung." He whispered and wipe the blood on his lips. "But, I'm sorry."


Yeol got a  tight grip of me and brought me to the rooftop. "What's your problem Yeobo?" Yeol started in a calm tone. It took me time to answer. I recall all the things had happened that very day. "No Yeol, what's your problem? Few days ago you were so sweet and all but when the Hyejin came you changed." I replied. I began to get angry. Thinking the fact that Yeol and Hyejin enjoyed their company together. I admit it, I'm jealous.

Yeol stand there unable to respond. "Yeol if your 're not yet ready to answer, we better have some distance from each other." I exclaimed and left. "Aisssh how can he not respond to that?! What's his problem?" I murmured and while going down. I'm really shocked on the way he acted.


This can't be. I let her leave the rooftop. Yeol what's happening to you?! I asked myself. "Ahhhhhhhh." I shouted to let out some anger.


After the talk with Yeol, I finally made up my mind.

knock knock

"Tiny breakfast is re---" D.O knocked and showed by the door step. "Where are you going?" He added.

"Good morning Dyo!"

"I'm just going to move out for now." I responded. It's all written in his face that his confuse. He went out and I continued packing my things. I decided to move out the dorm for sometime and go back to my previous apartment.

I finally finished all the things I need to prepare and went down. "Noona where are you going?" Sehun showed up and helped me with my luggage. I didn't bother to answer him.

The dorm's door open and Yeol showed up. We didn't even shared gazes. Yeol went straight to his room. I directly went out and bid goodbye.

To EXO Members

I texted all EXO members except Yeol. My buddies followed me. I instructed them to bring me to my old apartment.

I hope it's still available...


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