Limits (35)

181 10 3

Audrey's P.O.V

I woke up laying on his chest wrapped up in all of the covers. I look up at him, he looks so cute. I sigh and rub his chest. He starts to move a little bit.

"Good morning." He says to me with his eyes still closed.

I smile "How long you really been up?" 

"Bout an hour...I even made you breakfast." He says and I snap my neck to look at the food on the counter.

"Your joking." I say moving the covers and getting up.

"Naw" he says leaning on his arm watching me.

I walk over to the counter and pick up a sausage link taking a bite.. "An it's still hot!" I say amazed... How did he make all of this without me waking up?

"You cried pretty hard yesterday so you slept hard." He says with a smirk on his face.

"What did you do to me while I was sleep?" I say squinting my eyes at him.

"Nothing! Why you assuming random stuff?"

I shrug my shoulders. Turning my attention to my food. I didn't realize how much I missed his cooking... I mean he ain't as good as me but he always knew to satisfy my taste buds.

"Good?" He asks walking over to me and kissing me on the cheek rubbing my back.

"Mmhm.." I say nodding my head.

"Good." He says taking a piece of my food and walking off to the fridge.

"What you got planned for today?" He asks me. Grabbing some orange juice out the fridge and pouring it into two cups.

"Nothing yet." I say thinking.

"Wanna do something?" He asks before taking a sip.

"Yeah... But there's something I have to take care of first.." Say then take in a deep breath.


I wait for her to walk out. I feel a sense of nervousness come over me. A few minutes go by and she walks out. I stand up and walk over to her.

"Hey." I say twisting my lips

She looks at me and sighs "Hey."

My heart twinges... She probably doesn't want to have anything to do with me.. I hold out a teddy bear and a bag with her favorite order of food from her favorite soul food spot.

"I'm sorry." I say.

She pauses. "You didn't have to do this..."

"Yes I did..I completely overreacted. I was already so upset and hearing about you and Isaac just added fuel to the fire and I just shut down. I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like that. You're my best friend...the best one I've ever had..and I don't want to lose you.. Please forgive me. I miss talking to you and kicking it with my girl.." I say trying not to be so emotional.

"I missed you too girl, I hated not being able to talk to you, it was the worst. I'm also sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most. You've always come through for me and seeing you hurt like hurt to see it."

"Ugh no, I'm sorry for all of the stuff I said while I was mad!"

"Ugh! No me too! I was worse!"

"No I-"

"Alright alright! Enough apologies!" Tailand says walking up behind me.

"Tailand?" She says looking at him. "You took him back?!" She says to me with a shocked face.

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