Play Time (Mature) (11)

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They both jump and see who it is

"Ayye bro I- oh shit."

"Ayye man get the fuck out!" Taii yells angrily.

"My bad, my bad I didn't mean to interrupt." He closes the door. Taii turns back around and sees Audrey sitting up creating distance between them avoiding his eyes.

"Audrey i'm sorry, I didn't know he was going to walk in li-"

"It's okay Taii, I just need a second please." She says interrupting him again with her eyes low.

"O-okay." He says slowly backing off of the bed and leaving the room and closing the door.

Audrey sits on the bed feeling guilt wash over her. How could she be doin all this shit when her mom was in the hospital in a coma? What kind of daughter was she? A stupid one, she had gotten into some shit and almost did exactly what her mom told her not to do. And what makes it worse, she didn't even think twice about it before ol' dude popped in and interrupted everything. She sighs rubbing her face remembering the guy. "Who was that dude any way?" She says thinking to herself. She gets up and looks for some sweat pants deciding to be nosy.

"Taiwan what the fuck you doin here man? Don't you know how to knock?!" Tailand yells standing across from him.

"I'm sorry man! I mean-I didn't know I was gon walk into all dat shit!" He says shrugging his shoulders.

Just then Audrey comes out and they both turn to look at her as she goes to sit on the couch without saying a word.

"Yeah whatever with the bullshit, the fuck you here for?" Taii says sitting down at the counter trying to get to the point because he's still mad.

"Well I came here cuz I wanted to throw a party you know, a little sum sum." He says bein silly

Taii scrunches his face up "Why?"

"Cuz all the honies man! You gotta see them bro, they bomb as fu-" Taii makes hand movements to stop and points to Audrey.

"... Bomb as french toast, yeah." He says turning to her and making an awkward face trying to make it sound better.

Taii makes a blank face and rubs his face getting extremely irritated.

"Uhm anyway, i'm gunna throw a party soon so don't be surprised." He says doing a weird dance. " Oh and I need the rent." He says smiling wide with his hand out."

"What? I just gave you this month's rent!" Tailand says snapping his head toward him.

"Yeah, but that's for this month's rent, I need next months." Taiwan says.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Taii says too pissed to worry about his grammar

Taiwan doesn't respond, he's still smiling with his hand out.

Taii sighs in defeat and goes to get his wallet then pulls out 700 and slaps it onto his hand.

"Thanks bro," Taiwan says counting the money.

"Yeah whatever." Taii says wiping his face.

"Well iight, im gon see you later!" He says putting his hand on one of Tailand's shoulder then walks to the door. "Ohh yeah, mom said she wants to see you, you should really visit her sometime. She misses you."

Tailand looks down to the side not speaking as Taiwan walks out the door. Tailand is silent and things get akward for Audrey because she's been ear hustlin the whole time.

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