Hatin' Ass (5)

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A Month Later

"Audrey, Audrey!" My mom yells, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I say blinking a couple of times. "I'm sorry mom, what did you say?"

"Damn Audrey, you just gone with the wind. What's going on?" She says curiously, looking at me and the road.

"Nothing 'im just....deep in thought." I respond vaguely

"Mmh, yeah... neck deep" She says shaking her head turning up the radio.

I mouth the words to the song and I smile. This song makes me think of Tailand. His smile, the way he walks, how he bites his lip. 

I sigh, it's been about 3 Weeks since we've started hanging out at the café and we've been talking on the phone almost everyday. I reminice about our time together and I realize I'm blushing. I hang out the window, letting the summer breeze whip my face.

"Audrey you look like a dog hanging out the window like that." My mom says laughing.

"Whatever." I scoff as we pull up to the mall.

We get out of the car and walk inside. Today's another shopping day! When my mom gets extra money to blow we split it and head straight for our favorite stores.

"Now Audrey." She says turning to me. "Here's 500, spend it wisely." She says handing it to me.

My jaw drops, damn 5 hunnit?! 

"Okay, I will" I say taking it with a dumb kool-aid smile.

I ain't gon ask no questions!

She shakes her head and turns to go do her shopping.

"See you later sexy lady!" I shout out loud and she turns around and squints her eyes. I laugh and begin walking to my favorite store.

I love messing with her!

I walk in and immediately spots some cute shoes.

 "Ahh!" I lightly squeal and pick them up.  I analyze them a little and realize that I have a shirt that would go well with these." Aha! Thank you!" I say grabbing the box with my size.

 I turn to see a really cute shirt and runs over to the shirt rack to look at it. "Ouuh yep! Definitely buying these!" I say throwing it over my arm. These go with the shoes too!

"Okkaay I'm finding good stuff today!" I say to myself. I go throughout the store looking for other cute clothes. I was so invested  that I barely noticed that a few school ratchets walk in with their boyfriends.

I hear people laughing and I turn around and realize that they're laughing at me. I make a whatever face and roll my eyes continuing the search.

"Uh, what is she doing?, Look at her?" Ratchet one says. "She know she ain't got no business bein here, she ain't got no type of style." They all talk and agree.

I listen to their comments and try to control her anger.I know theres more of them than me but I got hands, us little people will surprise you. I calm down and think of an Idea. 

I find  my size in a pair of pants and then walk into one of the fitting rooms.

"Look, she went to put it on, I wanna see this." I hear one of them say.

"Babe, why you talkin bout her? Didn't we come here to buy you some clothes?" One of their boyfriends say.

"Cuz this bitch think she bad now cuz she fuckin' Tailand and she absolutely not." One of them responds.

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