Mistreated (1)

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Audrey's P.O.V

"Ooowe girl I can't wait until school starts!" Tisha says jumping around in the mirror looking at herself. "There gon be some bomb new boys!" She smiles wide. " Mmmh how you doin?" she says rubbing her body fantasizing.

"Eww tish!" I say picking up a pillow and throwing it at her almost making her hit her head against the mirror. " Stop bein' nasty." I say giggling

" Ow! Damn Audrey you just almost made me bust my head! And I'm not nasty". She says rolling her head.

I make a blank face and pause. " You not nasty??"

"No" She says trying to hold back a smile. " I'm not."

" Yeah okay. " I say rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"Girl don't shake yo head at me." She says smiling and walking over to me. " Keep gettin smart and we gon fight."

"Girl move." I say pushing her back and laughing. "You ain't gon do nun!" 

She starts hitting on my head like I'm her child or something.

" I'm just playin! Quit quit!" I say blocking myself.

She wouldn't stop so I knew had to show her what this Lewis family is all about, She don't know my brother taught me how to fight. I start hitting her back and we begin playfighting. She was backing down cause she wasn't ready for the heat. Then all of a sudden she pauses, my hand was already swinging and I end up slaping her hard in the face.

"Oww!" She yells holding her face.

"Why did you just pause?! I was still swinging! I'm sorry!" I say shocked, I felt a little bad...a little. 

"I stopped cause my phone rang..." She says walking over to it and still holding her face. She sits on the bed opening the messages and quickly recovers from being upset. This heifer is biting her lip...!

I make a blank face at her and put my hands on my hip. "What? Who is it?"

She giggles, " It's treyvon, he said he wants to come over and chill."

I srunch up my face and smacks my lips, "What the hell... so you and Jordan not together no more..? "

She shrugs her shoulders. " Jordan ain't gon find out and plus we only chillin".

I instantly get irritated... why after all of that would you chill with someone else? "Sure y'all just gon chill, stop frontin I know you, you need to leave him alone you know all he tryna do is hit and quit like last time, he ain't shit."

She sighs getting irritated not saying anything. I guess the truth is hard to hear.

I don't know why she think I'm some bogus ass friend like that...I'm not about to let her ruin this... but then again why the hell should I care...? I sigh. 

" Tish, you can do better than him. Plus Jordan loves you." I say as I  wince at my words. What the hell are you doing Audrey..?

"You should just lea-"

Tishana puts her hand up in my face cutting me off.  "Look, do you have a man?"

I pause scrunching up my face for a second... I  don't know why but I feel the irritation rise within me. I hate it when she does that shit. Plus, I know she did not just ask me that like she don't know what she did...I take a deep breath trying to calm down. "No, obviously I don't."

"Hmm, and why is that? What happened to your last one?" She says to me with her eyebrows raised. 

... Like she serious as hell right now...?!

I look down and away " He... dumped me.." I push my tongue into my cheek. The words cut me in the worst ways.

"Because...?" She says turning in her ear.

"Cuz I wouldnt have sex with him, and what does have to do with anything...?" I say blinking and rolling my eyes.

"Exactly, and everything honey. Of course you wouldn't get it. I would appreciate if you didn't come up in here and tell me how to handle my men when you can't even keep your own." She says pointing and wagging her finger at me.

I look up, staying completely silent. She finishes texting then goes to her closet and looks for clothes to wear.

She really just said that... my own best friend. WHt she did to me was bad enough. But now she's gonna throw it in my face...?! 

She pulls out an outfit and put it over her while she looks in the mirror turning from side to side feeling undecisive, she turns to me. " Hey do you think this looks okay?"

I don't say anything. I don't even look at her.

She smiles "I knew it!" Not caring about the fact she just hurt my feelings. She walks out of the room to try the dress on.

A memory tugs at my brain... for some reason I thought of my first love from 5th grade, his name was Daniel. Everyday we hung out and had lots of fun at the park, it felt like we spent every second we had with each other. Tish couldn't stand it. Even though she would never admit it,  it seemed like she did everything in her power to break us up. The day after Tish caught us kissing, I ain't never heard from him again. He just stopped calling and coming around.. he was my first love and my first heartbreak.

I feel the pain and resentment swell up inside me. My mind reminds me of all the things I've gone through since then. Mom and dad getting a divorce, not being able to see my brother anymore and Tisha.... 

I ball up her fist and hot tears form at the corners of her eyes " Why, why me? Why am I still friends with this evil bitch..?!" I squeeze my eyes shut and tears flow.

Tisha walks in, " Oooouh I look sexy in this, don't I?" She looks up notices I'm crying then rolls her eyes. "Oh so you wanna cry now? You think I care? You think I'm supposed to apologize? Your tears don't effect me".

I look up at her trying to hold back from getting angrier. She walks over to me  "Girl suck it up, get over it. Your always playing the victim, like damn! You ain't the only one with problems!"

I get up and pushes her hard. She falls back and hits her mirror, it shatters.  

"Bitch, dont even go there! You know what you did to me, you know happened to me.... how could you say that? What kind of fucking friend are you?! "

" What happened to you was your fault, not mine." She says spitefully getting off all the glass that landed on her "You're gonna have to buy me a new mirror, bitch." She says matter of factly.

I smack my lips. I could just kill her...! I wish with all my heart I could...I could feel the temptation become stronger.  But I can't... that just ain't in me....

"Fuck you, I'm sick of this shit! I hate you! You were never a real friend!" I yell and walk out wiping the tears off of my face.

I bust out her friont door and begin walking down the street, my mind going a thousand miles a second. I begin to feel unstable.

I get to a park and decide to sit on a swing because I felt like I was going to explode. Soone than I realized, I was crying and  holding myself, I slide out of the swing sobbing and lay my head back using it as a cradle for my head. I look up at the sky watching the dark clouds go by waiting for the rain to come to wash my tears away.

My heart aches as the rain drops fall on my cheeks, I close my eyes and breathe in and out trying calm down. My mind works against me... it goes to the memory that I hate the most...the meory I don't want to remember. I pull my knees in to my chest, sobbing again. 

The lighting flashes.

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Adora. 💋  

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