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I watched Maka jump from off from the rock she was standing on and bolt towards Death City. She was coming to see us. She has a long way to run to get to the death room so I decided to walk to the entrance of the school, even if I am weak and slow. As I start to walk away Stein and Spirit both looked at me with confusion.

"Where are you going all of the sudden?" Stein had asked lightly grabbing my arm.

"I'm going to see Maka, she started running towards the City." Stein just looked at me for a moment and I wondered if I shouldn't go see her and just stay here with everyone else. I really want to go see Maka though, I want to tell her i'm okay. I dont want her to worry about me. I looked over at Spirit whose eyes were welling up with tears.

"MMAAAKKKAAAA!!!!!" He shouted and fell onto his knees bawling. Stein looked at Spirit for a moment and told him to quit bawling. He looked back at me still holding onto my arm and nodded. He let go and I started to make my way for the school's entrance. My chest and my back hurt and I felt very weak, it was hard to walk quite a ways just to get to the entrance. I must of taken forever cause' as soon as I walked up to the entrance I could see Maka running towards me.

"Crona!!!" She screamed running towards me. She instantly bumped into me and hugged me. She hugged me tightly and it hurt, a lot but just knowing that she was here with me made me feel warm and safe, I was happy.

"Oh my god, i'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" She let go of me and softly touched my chest.

"N-Not at all. D-Don't worry a-about me." I smiled. She gave me a warm smile back a softly hugged me again.

"I was so worried about you. How do you feel?" A slight pain in my back signaled Ragnarok was coming.

"Oh come on! Its takes more than that to kill me! Im not that weak, and quick being cheesy!" Ragnarok said as he rested on my head.

"Oh hi mini Ragnarok, im not being cheesy. Im just glad that you and Crona are okay."

"Oh sure! Cause' you totally care about us! If you did you would've brought candy!"

"Ragnarok thats not nice. She doesn't have to bring you candy every time she sees us, and she does to care! Maka is a good friend, she always cares about her friends." I said as my face got hot and I blushed. Then I could suddenly hear screaming and running inside the school. Then I could identify the scream, it was Spirit. Ragnarok dissolved back into me as if he knew what was going to happen.

"MAAAAKKKKAAAA!!!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!!!!!" Spirit screamed as he grabbed Maka before she could get away. She struggled to get out of his grip but he fell onto the ground and grabbed her feet.

"Papa was so worried about you!!!!!!"

"I would be okay if you stopped touching me!" Maka said as she kicked his hands off her feet. I am confused, why doesn't she like that he was worried about her? Spirit got up and caught me by surprise, he grabbed us both and pulled us into a tight hug.

"It... Hurts...." I end up whining as he tightly pulls us together, a huge shock goes through my chest and back.

"Papa your hurting Crona!!! Let go!!! Maka Chop!" Maka chops Spirits head with her book and he lets go. He balls up and holds his head crying. The pressure gone I can breathe again and the pain my chest and back stopped. Suddenly my legs feel weak and I end up collapsing onto the ground. I can't stand any longer, I guess im too weak.

"Crona are you okay?" Maka kneels beside me and trys to stand me up, but im too weak to stand. I'm very surprised I lasted this long. My chest and my back becomes a little sore and I touch my chest where the bandage is underneath my dress.

"Y-yeah, im just a l-little sore." I say as I wince from the shock in my chest and back. Soul, Black star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz and Patty all start to walk up to us, I guess they all walked here.

"Woah what happened here" asked Soul looking back and forth between Spirit and me. I tried to stand once more but I couldn't. Soul seemed to realize and helped me, Maka as a support as well.

"You okay? How is your chest?" Soul asked as we started to walk to the death room.

"I-im o-okay, just a litte s-sore." I said watching Spirit slowly get up and walk with us.

"Wait what happened to Crona?" asked Kid, I looked over and everyone else had a confused and worried face.

"I will tell you later now is not a good time" Maka said in a concerned voice. We eventually got to the death room and everyone was glad to see us. Everyone started clapping, proud of the children who had killed the kishin. Kid saw his father and sat by his side, Patty and Liz followed. Black star started to brag to Tsubaki about how great of a job he did and that he just surpassed god. Maka and Soul sat me down by a pillar so that I didn't have to stand much longer. Miss Marie pulled Soul and Maka into a big hug and she started crying. Everybody looked so happy, I have a sudden urge to cry. I noticed Stein walking towards me, when I got a sharp pain in my chest and my back and I winced.

"How do you feel?"

"I-im okay, my c-chest and back hurts sometimes though. I cant w-walk either."

"I'll have some pain killers for you, you also need to rest."

"O-okay." Stein smiled and walked away to talk to Death. I started crying, everyone is so nice and cares about me. I could never realize this feeling of friendship before. Then I met Maka and my life has been better. I could never return any of the things that my friends have done for me. I started to sob and couldn't stop, I held my face with my hands. I was crying because im happy.

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