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 After I bought a coffee from Deathbucks to keep me awake, I walked to school. As soon as I walked in I could see Kid talking to Cumo. I walked over to them and said hi.

"Hey Crona, how are you today?" Kid asked.

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Good, just talking to Cumo about some of the rules here at Shibusen."

"Sounds good. How are you Cumo?" She looked at me slightly startled.

"I'm g-good." She answered.

"That's good." I gave her a small smile. She smiled back. I might as well get used to her.

"Oh by the way, Stein is looking for you." Kid said to me.

"Great." I said sarcastically. I waved goodbye to them and walked to class. I could feel my nerves start to jolt at the thought of his way to "keep me asleep". I walked in and Stein's back was towards me, but somehow he could tell it was me.

"Oh Crona, come on in." He said as he turned in his chair, "did you sleep well?" I wanted to lie to him.

"N-no." His gaze met mine and studied my face for a moment.

"I see, well I guess we'll have to figure something out then."

"Didn't you s-say something about 'keeping me asleep' y-yesterday?" I asked him.

"I lied, that was just to make sure you actually took the pill." Oh, that's great.

"Oh, I would've t-taken it anyway."

"That's good to know. Hmm, what can I give you to make you sleep?" He said searching through his desk, "I can't find anything. I can't give you sleeping pills, Marie would whack me to death..." I giggled a little.

"C-could you just give me something to k-keep me awake?" I asked. He stopped searching and looked at me.

"Marie would kill me, so probably not." Darn. He got up out of his chair and started to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to the infirmary to see if I can find something there. I'll be back before class starts, don't worry."

"Bye." I said as I watched him leave. I'm already in class, so I guess I could hang around until the bell rings. I sat down in my normal seat and set my stuff out onto my desk. I only carry a book and a pencil box. I went through my pencil box to make sure that there was a pencil, a eraser, a pen, and a highlighter. I had everything. What could I do until class starts? Hmm, I guess I could draw a picture or read my book. I chose to read my book. I was just starting to get into a really good part of my book when the bell rang. I looked around me, I guess I didn't realize when everyone came in. Stein was only about 2 minutes late. As usual, he came in the classroom on a spinny chair and hit the ground when he smashed into the elevated part of the floor. The whole class giggled as he sat himself upright on his chair and began class. He started to go into a lecture about how the DWMA was created, also talking about the DWMA appreciation day. Oh crap, I forgot about that. I really don't want to attend. The last DWMA appreciation day I totally screwed up. Medusa, Erika, Free, and I set the Kishin free that day. That was also the day Maka became my friend and I learned what happiness was like. I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes and tried to think of other things so I wouldn't cry. The rest of the day was normal, I took Cumo to her classes and helped her out. Lunch was funny (Black Star is still trying to get Cumo to like him). And as usual now, Kid is still flirting with Cumo. After biology class (with Stein as our teacher of course) Stein called my name. I walked over to him.

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