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I woke up the next morning with someone's face, in my face. I sqeaked loudly and tried moving away but ended up falling out of the bed. That next moment, I was staring at the ceiling while I heard someone on the other side of the bed laughing uncontrollably hard.

"P-patty?" I questioned. My only answer was her continuous laughter.

"Holy crap. I didn't expect him to wake up." Liz said.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why is he on the floor!?" Maka ran around the bed and helped me up.

"Patty." 5 people said at once. I looked around. Patty, Liz, Kid, Soul, Amanda, and Theresa. Plus Maka, who was helping me back into the bed. She handed me a pastry.

"I went to get you breakfast and apparently I shouldn't of left." Maka let out an irritated sigh.

"Calm down Maka. Patty didn't do any harm, she was just trying to be funny." Soul said.

"Her 'funny' caused Crona to fall on the floor. Stein would dissect you all if he found out Crona fell out of bed." Maka argued.

"Whatever. Can we go see Lord Death now?" Soul asked.

"We have to wait for Stein."

"Screw Stein." Maka threw a book at Soul and hit him square in the face.

"Ow..." Soul whimpered. Amanda poked his face.

"You deserve that." Amanda said. Soul grunted in response. All of the sudden, the door flew off of it's hinges and came in Black*Star.

"Haha! Your great god has arrived!" He laughed.

"Black*Star! Not the door again." Tsubaki came in running after him.

"Looks like the whole Welcoming Comittee is here." Stein said as he walked in. "And the door is broken... again."

"Sorry." Tsubaki whispered.

"It's fine, just means more library time for Black*Star." Stein smiled.

"What!?" Black*Star almost screamed.

"Anyway, one final check up for Crona and then he'll be up. The rest of you may leave now." Stein said. Patty was still laying on the floor.

"Patty, let's go." Liz said. Patty continued to laugh. "I bet Lord Death has a giraffe." Patty was up in less than a second and was running down the hall.

"Giraffe, giraffe!" she sang. Everyone had left. Stein was checking everything so I could leave.

"He stayed in bed, correct?" Stein asked Maka.

"Uhh, yep!" Maka lied.

"Okay, good. Everything here looks good. Except your blood count has gone up enormously, I think that means the kishin is getting near." Stein said.

"Can Crona leave?" Maka asked.

"I suppose. But with the kishin drawing near, his blood is tripling every night. I don't know how much longer you'll be able to resist Crona. With your blood tripling and the kishin's madness coming closer, whether you resist or not you're going to have thoughts and ideas."

"And not the good kind." I didn't phrase it as a question, but Stein answered anyway.

"No, they won't be."

"I guess that means we need to train harder and attack before it does." Maka said.

"Yeah. So, can I go now?" I asked. I started to leave anyway.

"Yes, but as soon as your thoughts start, come and get me." Stein said.

"We will!" I answered as Maka and I walked towards the Death Room. I ate and finished my pastry on the way there. When we got there, everyone was lined up and quiet. For once.

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