It Begins

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It sucks to be escorted places like some criminal. Today was definitely not one of my good days. It's only Tuesday, which means that i'm going to be soooo bored and lonely until this weekend. I don't even know if I can go to the DWMA party, I guess we'll have to see how my sanity is by the end of the week. I was escorted to practice, but instead of being where everyone else was, I was placed deep in the little forest. (how odd that a desert has a forest) Stein lied back on a tree and just sat there, watching me. It made me nervous... I tried to overcome my anxiety and asked Ragnarok, for the first in in forever, if he would be alright practicing. He gave me a, "Shut the hell up," and transformed into his sword.

"Just relax. Try stances at first." Stein told me. I nodded and began all the stances I knew. I don't have many. Most were just made up from fighting all the time, I didn't know any actual stances. Stein stood there and examined me. His facial expression didn't change, he didn't seem very interested.

"A-am I doing them right?" I asked. He ignored me. So, I just went on with my wobbly, undefined stances.

"Blocking." Stein said. I could hear him quite clearly, though I thought he was just whispering. I shook it off and started my blocking. It was weird without a partner, someone to block off. My blocks were probably very weak and unreliable. I suddenly felt like something was going to happen. It was a strange feeling, I hadn't had it in a long time... Then Stein threw a scalpel, at my head! I blocked it with my sword and started to rant at him. All I got as a response was a, "mhhm." I feel like i'm a study rat. But then I heard a twig crunch. I turned around to see Maka. He wasn't aiming at me...

"Why would you throw that at Maka!" I screamed at him. But seriously though, why?!

"Crona, do you realize how far you went to actually block that scalpel?"

"I thought you threw it at me!"

"Crona, you were all the way over there." Stein said pointing to, literally, the other side of the area.

"Oh..." I quietly said. I could see a big splotch in the dirt where my feet took off the ground and I landed here. Maka was still white-faced and wide-eyed behind me.

"Alright, Maka?" Stein asked. She carefully nodded and turned around to walk away.

"Why was she here?" I asked.

"Probably to ask a question, but oh well. I have my results now." Stein got up and walked toward the other groups.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Just to check on Maka and the other students. Go ahead and practice, just don't wander." Stein warned. I nodded, though he couldn't see me anymore. I looked around and thought about what I should do. Guess I should practice my blocking. It's hard to actually block without someone attempting to hit me though. I went against the idea of blocking and decided to attack the tree instead. I threw a swing at the tree, I didn't swing very hard. Somehow, the blade was halfway through. Nevermind... I'm going to need some thicker trees if i'm going to attack. I walked over to the biggest and thickest of the trees and I didn't swing very hard. I ended up hardly a quarter of the way through. So, I began to swing and attack the tree. I didn't use any of my special moves, like 'Scream Resonance' or 'Screech Alpha'. 'Screech Beta' is a mild version of the Alpha. I would destroy everything around me.

"Fix your stances, you aren't going to get anywhere that way." I turned around and saw Maka. She didn't have Theresa with her.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I passed off everything Stein wanted me to. Then I bickered with him about throwing a scalpel at me. Plus, using you like some test subject. I didn't enjoy that much." She walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed a little and she giggled.

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