Partners and Maka's Birthday

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Maka refused for about a week to look for a new partner. We finally got her to start looking for a weapon that would best suit her. She thinks she found someone that she would like, we just have to go meet her first. Maka wouldn't tell me what her name was though, she wouldn't let me see what she looked like either, she said it was a surprise. Soul had already found a new meister. Her name is Amanda, she just barely transferred from the NOT class and had the top score. Lord Death decided it would be a good idea to give her all the same classes that Soul has. So, she showed up in our first class on Wednesday. She has short sandy blonde hair (about the length of Patty's), light blue eyes; she wears a velvet red tube top and a short skirt that goes to her thighs, and high heel black boots that go up to her knees. She also has a dare devil attitude although she does work hard at school. She would be a lot prettier if she wore something more decent and looked less like she worked at Chupacabra's (stripper bar). Maka said that the only reason Soul decided to have Amanda as his partner is because she has big boobs and wears short clothes. I strongly agree. Maka wanted me to come with her to meet her possibly new partner. I couldn't refuse, so after class today (it's friday) we are going to meet her at Deathbucks. 1, because I have to work; 2, because Maka wanted to have coffee. I don't blame her, I actually have been craving coffee lately. (i'm not really a coffee person) After Stein's biology class (ugh) we walked to Deathbucks.

"Are you sure you told her to meet here? Did you give her directions?" Maka asked.

"Yes and yes, I promise she'll be here. She has lived in Death City for 5 years, she graduated the NOT class the same time Amanda did, as you told me. I'm sure she knows where Deathbucks is. Don't worry, just sit down and i'll start making muffins for you guys." I told her.

"Sorry, i'm just nervous. I've never had to meet someone to be my weapon before. Me and Soul were already slightly friends when I asked him to be my partner." Maka said.

"I understand, just sit down and relax. It might take her a minute to get here anyway, school just got out. She might be talking with friends or teachers or something." I said as I was pouring batter into the muffin maker.

"Okay, yeah. Sorry, I keep on bugging you about it. I'll try to calm myself, maybe coffee will help. Will you get me a cappicino please?" She asked.

"Your fine, I don't mind." I got her cappicino and a bag of muffins. I set them on the table and she gave me a small smile. She kissed my cheek and said, "Thank you." While the shop was still empty and Maka was waiting for this girl to come, I sat by her and talked for a while. When a girl came in Maka stood up excited.

"Hello, are you Maka?" The girl asked.

"Yes I am, are you Theresa?" Maka asked.

"Indeed. Where do I sit?" Theresa said looking around. Maka pointed to the table I was sitting at. She sat down across from me as Maka sat down next to me.

"This is my boyfriend, Crona. Crona this is Theresa." I could tell that I blushed when Maka said 'boyfriend'.

"H-hello." I said nervously, i'm still really bad with new people. She smiled at me and gave me a bright, "Hi!"

"I better get back to work, go ahead and talk. Oh, those muffins are for you guys by the way Theresa." I said watching people start to come through the door. Theresa nodded and opened the bag of muffins. Maka smiled and waved as I walked behind the counter. I started to serve people as they filed in (we were getting busy). The rush had stopped by 5:30. I was tired out, there was a lot of people that came in today. I started to watch Maka and Theresa talk. Maka seemed to be getting along with her. Theresa had long wavy black hair (about mid-back length), green eyes; she wore a orange tank top and a red knee-length tight skirt with red high heels. If her and Maka were getting along, i'd say that she would be the perfect partner for her. My attention was brought back by the sound of the bell that the door makes when it opens.

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