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It took Cumo almost two months to wake up. She woke up November 12th, it was a surprise to us. Stein said that he estimated that she would wake up around January or February. We were leaving to go to class when we heard Cumo whisper me and Kid's name. We turned around just as her eyes fluttered open. Today's November 18th, the day she get's discharged from the infirmary. The same day I get the cast off of my leg. I rebroke it one day, so it had to reheal... I finally get to go home. It's a Saturday, so no school today. Stein walked in with a saw (the ones used to cut off casts), I was scared he was going to cut my leg open, until I learned that it uses vibrations to just cut the cast. When it came off it felt as if my leg could finally breathe. I tried to walk on it, I limped a lot and nearly fell over. So Stein just gave me a boot for support. Cumo's injuries were completely healed, Stein was right, her witch regeneration helped her.

"Hey Crona, Cumo, how are you guys?" Maka said walking in.

"Hi, we're good." I answered.

"What are you doing here?" Cumo asked her.

"I came to pick you and Crona up."

"For what?" Cumo asked.

"We're going to Kid's mansion. I'll explain why later. Are you guys ready to go?"

"I am, what about you Cumo?" I said.

"Nearly," She said looking around, "Here they are, my boots." She put on her boots and we left. I had to carry one of my shoes because I couldn't wear it while I have this boot/brace on. My right hand healed a long time ago, so I didn't have to worry much about that. I just have to be carefull when I practice. We stopped at my apartment first, Maka handed Cumo a bag and told her to put whatever was inside on.

"Kid planned a surprise party for her," Maka whispered to me, "We should get dressed too." Maka grabbed my hand and we went to our bedroom. Maka added a few more photos and some of her things in there. It looked different, but a good different. My white suit was on the bed folded nicely.

"Look that way and get dressed, i'll look this way." Maka said turning towards the back wall. I did as she said and dressed in my suit. It felt just the same, I had to tuck my pant leg into my boot though. Maka was wearing her normal purple dress. She kept her hair in pony tails though. Maka grabbed her coat ready to go. We sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for Cumo to come out. When she did, her face was a dark red and she looked very awkward. Her dress went down to her knees (it was black), with white flats, she also had a bracelet on both wrists with a shinigami skull on it.

"It fits! I'm glad, do you not like it?" Maka asked her.

"I l-love it! It's just kind of s-short and i'm n-not really used to t-that..." She said.

"It's alright. Are you ready? Here, I have a coat for you. It's cold outside."

"Y-yes. Thanks." We left our apartment and were on our way to Kid's mansion. It was snowy and cold. I didn't really mind it, i've gotten used to weather conditions. About half way there, Maka decided to break the silence.

"Aren't you cold Crona?" she asked me.

"No, are you?"

"How? Your only in a suit, it's not very thick either. I'm cold and i'm wearing 2 coats." she said.

"Oh, well then here." I pulled her next to me. She was cold, I could feel her shivering.

"Holy crap, you are warm. Are you cold Cumo?" Maka asked her.

"No, I have been trained to withstand all weather conditions. Crona has too." She said.

"Oh... I didn't know that. I feel kind of left out." She giggled. I hugged her closer to me and I could feel her shivering stop. I warmed her up, the thought made me blush. We finally got to Kid's mansion, Kid opened the big door and Cumo ran into his arms. I could tell they were happy with eachother. Maka smiled up at me and I smiled back. We got inside, there was a major warmth difference. Kid's mansion felt like it was 80 degrees, then again it's only 30 degrees outside... I hung up Maka's coats while she looked for Tsubaki.

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