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I woke up the next morning with Maka on top of me with a big smile on her face. My face started to heat up.

"W-what?" I asked her.

"What did you say before we went to sleep!?!" She smiled bigger.

"I.... l-l-l-love y-you." I repeated. My face got even hotter and I was tackled by Maka's hug.

"I love you too!" She started to squeeze me and I could feel my lungs lacking air. When she let go of me I struggled to get oxygen but tried to not make it too obvious.

"Whoops, sorry. I didn't mean to squeeze you like that." She giggled. I could feel my face get hotter and i'm sure my blush was already a dark red when I realized that Maka was still on top of me.

"Uh... M-maka..."


"Y-your still o-on t-top of m-me." I stated.

"Oh, sorry. I made breakfast, get dressed and join me!" She jumped off of me and ran to the kitchen. I slowly got up and got dressed in a short-sleeved shirt and some pants. I walked to the kitchen and Maka started to push me towards the table and sat me down in a chair.

"Hurry! It'll get cold!" She said as she shoved me down into my chair. She sat on the other side of me.

"Your happy today." I stated starting to eat my food.

"How can I not be! Especially after what you said to me and what you did for me yesterday. I can't be happier!"

"Well, it took me a while to work up the nerve to say that and I thought it was a perfect time since it was your birthday and you were already in a happy mood. I'm glad that you enjoyed your birthday." I gave her a smile.

"Thank you Crona. I also thought of something that we could do today. Stein mentioned it to me yesterday. I think we should go and practice using our weapons."

"Are you sure? You just met Theresa, do you even know what she looks like in weapon form? Also, isn't it her birthday today? I thought she wanted to go to the arcade." I asked her.

"Yes, no and yes. I want to go and no I haven't seen her in weapon form yet, but that makes it even more exciting! Yes, it's her birthday but last night she changed her mind about going to the arcade."

"Okay. Well I guess, what time do you want to go?" I asked her as I finished off my food.

"Hm, how about 1 or 2? It'll give us enough time to practice, come home and eat, and then I have a surprise for you." she said taking our plates to the sink.

"Sounds good." I told her, "What should we do till' then?" I asked her.

"Hmm. Well, I think we better have an adult with us just in case, so let's go talk to Stein.We should probably clean up the apartment a little too." she said.

"Okay." We both cleaned the apartment up. It was really messy but luckily not too hard to clean up. It was mostly just a bunch of plates and plastic cups that were left on the couch or on the floor, a couple of napkins here and there. It only took us about an hour and a half to clean up the trash and wipe the counters and the table off. We also put away all of Maka's birthday gifts. By then, it was only 9 a.m. so we started to walk to Stein's. The walk there was pretty, the leaves on the trees were multi colored with red, yellow, orange, and a little green. The wind was warm and had a crisp smell. It was peacefull and I could tell that Maka was enjoying it, especially when we were walking through the park. When we got to Stein's house the pretty kind of died down and it was a little gloomy looking, but it looks a lot better compared to what it used to look like. Marie has definitley added her own touch to the place. When we knocked on the door we expected for Marie to jump out and hug us to death like she usually does, but she didn't. We were about to leave when the door slowly creaked open.

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