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It had been a whole month of uncontrollable hostile thoughts, worried faces, hard practices, snow and suffering. I'm starting to get headaches from resisting my madness, Stein's worried that it's eating away at my insides. My check-up is today though, I hope that its fast and there are good news. I doubt that my hopes will be true. Today is December 12th. Don't judge me, i've been counting down the days to the DWMA anniversary party. I hate that day, I wish it wasn't so horrible for me so I could enjoy it. But, unfortunately thats not gonna happen. I need to quit pretending i'm asleep when i'm thinking.

"Hello? Crona... get up." Maka softly said. I half opened my eyes and acted as if I just barely woke up. I've actually been awake since 4 this morning.

"Hm? Is it 7 already?" I said tiredly. I could feel a weight on my stomach, I opened my eyes fully to see that Maka was sitting on top of me. She gazed down at me with a big smile on her face. My face heated up instantly and she started to giggle, which probably means my face turned red.

"I love it so much!" she giggled, "come on I made breakfast already." She jumped off of me and stormed into the kitchen. Good to know she's in a good mood. I stretched and got out of bed slowly, trying not to make myself dizzy. I walked out into the kitchen and saw Maka sitting quietly at the table with a big smile on her face. My face grew a smile as I sat down and she pushed a plate towards me.

"What's on the special today?" I asked her.

"It's a french toast I made. It's not boring and plain. I added some stuff and it tastes so much better!" she said stuffing her face. I slightly giggled at the sight of her. I grabbed my fork and began to devour what she had made. She was right. There was cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, tiny pinch of powdered sugar and chocolate syrup, topped with a slice of banana. It looked pretty and delicous, it tasted even better.

"This is amazing, thank you Maka."

"Of course!" she said grabbing seconds. I giggled at her once again. I love it when she's in a good mood, it always brings a smile to my face. She got about half way through her second plate when she hesitated to take a bite. I was about to get up and put my plate away when I saw Maka frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She pushed her chair behind her and ran to the bathroom. I was totally confused at first but realized what was going on when I heard gagging sounds. I left the plates on the table and ran after her. But, the door was shut in my face.

"M-maka! A-are you okay?" I asked after I heard the gagging sounds stop.

"I-im... fine." she said slowly. I don't think she is, she was happy and eating but all of the sudden she ended up here. She was probably eating too fast.

"Are you sure? Do you want anything?"

"I'm fine... thanks...." she paused for a moment, "I don't wa- actually grab me a glass of water please." she said. I hurried to the kitchen and filled a glass of water for her. I went back to the bathroom door and knocked.

"It isn't locked." I heard her say. I walked in and saw her sitting on the floor with her back leaning against the wall. I handed her the glass of water and sat next to her. She still looked cheery but a little green.

"Are you okay?" I asked again.

"I'm okay. I think I ate too much too fast."

"You want to be left alone?" I asked.

"No, its fine. I think I might go take a nap on the couch though. Watch some T.V. before we have to leave." she answered.

"O-okay." I stood up and offered her my hand. She took it and I helped her to the couch. I handed her a pillow and blanket and set the trash can near her. She gave me a smile and turned on the T.V.. I smiled back, handed her a new glass of water and went to clean up breakfast. I finished cleaning the dishes and began to wash the table. I glanced up and seen that Maka had already fallen asleep. I picked up her empty glass and filled it. I set it back down on the coffee table and sat next to it. I watched as her chest rose and fell. I pulled the blanket up to her neck and smiled, she looks so happy. It looks like Maka's gained some weight, her stomach is a bit bulky. I've gained weight too though... I stood and looked around the apartment, it looks pretty clean.. I can finish my book, or sit in the arm chair and watch T.V.. I decided to go ahead and read my book but sit in the arm chair just in case Maka starts to feel sick again. I sat down in the chair with my book and glanced at the time. It's 8:30, I don't need to get ready for about 7 hours. Don't know why i'm worrying about it, although I do hope that Maka will feel better by then. I opened the book to the previous page I was on and began to read. The T.V. seemed like its volume was low, perfect for reading. I read for what only seemed like an hour, when I looked at the time it said 11:45. I lifted my neck and stretched it to get the kinks out of it. I guess I didn't realized how into the book I was. I put the book back into the bookshelf and started to make some tea. I heard a knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it.

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