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I never slept for the rest of that night. I couldn't imagine ever going through that again, I don't think I could ever be able to stand next to Maka again. It's already hard for me to even imagine talking to Maka. I know it was just a dream, but it's really hard to say that it wasn't real. It's hard to say that I didn't secretly enjoy it, I did enjoy it. I'm honestly scared of myself. I can't believe that all this happened because I made eye contact with Cumo. I.. I don't know how to deal with all of this!!! I realized that I was just staring at a wall and hyperventilating. I started to calm myself, it worked a little, but I was still breathing a little heavily. I looked over at my alarm clock, its only 5 a.m.. I got up from my spot in mr.corner and decided to sit at the kitchen table. Maka told me to try and stop finding comfort in mr.corner. I can't help it though, I try and not do it, but its hard because i've found comfort there all of my life. I wonder when Maka's coming back, shes only been gone for a day and i'm already missing her. I miss her a lot, her wavelength is the only thing that keeps me sane. I miss her hugs, her kisses, her love. Love? What is love? Is it a feeling? Do I even know what love is? I don't know, if I did i'd definitely love Maka. Maybe I do love Maka. I wonder if thats why I feel safe around her all the time, because I love her. Yeah, I love Maka. I could feel my face start to heat up and i'm sure that it turned my face pink. I love Maka! I showed a bright smile at the thought. My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach making a growling noise.

"Oh, I guess it's a good idea to eat." I stood up and walked to the fridge. I searched around to find something that would be good to eat. I almost gave up on the search until I saw that I had a couple of eggs left. I guess could make some scrambled eggs with some toast. I grabbed the eggs, bread and a pan. I whipped up the eggs and started to cook them in the pan while I put the bread in the toaster. I buttered the toast when it was finished and put the eggs on a plate, I also set up another plate for Ragnarok. I set the plates down on the table. I sat down, when I felt Ragnarok come out of my back.

"Wheres my food!"

"Right there," I pointed to the other plate of food.

"Good job, Crona! You managed to make a decent meal for once!"

"T-thanks?" Was that a compliment or an insult? I don't care.

"Whatever." Ragnarok said as he stuffed the entire plate in his mouth. Then he spat the completely empty plate back onto the table. It was all slimy and gross, it splattered across the table.

"Ugh, Ragnarok do you have to do that?" I said starting to eat my breakfast.

"Why do you care!?"

"Because I have to clean it."

"Well that sucks! I will eat my food any way I want to."

"Gross, whatever."

"Don't whatever me! I'll start stealing your food!"

"F-fine, i'll stop."

"Thats what I thought!" He said as he dissolved back into my blood. I sighed and finished off my food. I wonder what i'm gonna do today, I don't have the energy to do anything active. Hmm, I don't think I could stand going to the park. Then I realized how horrible tomorrow is going to be. I have to take Cumo around the school, I have to introduce her to everyone and bring her everywhere I go. I don't know what i'm gonna do, especially after what happened when I saw her at the park yesterday. I sighed and started to take deep calming breaths. I'll stop thinking about it for now and try to have a relaxing day. I looked over at the clock, it was only 6 a.m.. I wonder what I could do today, going outside doesn't seem like a good idea. I guess I could just relax and slouch around the apartment. That sounds good. I walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed the latest book I was reading. It was a series called A House Of Night Novel. Its about vampires, but not something like the twilight saga. A girl thats only around the age of 16 or 17 is Marked and turns into a fledgling. Her name is Zoey, her entire world gets flipped after this happens because as it turns out, her goddess Nyx (Vampires Goddess) decided that Zoey will be the girl who saves the world from darkness. She has to go through tons of stress and whats worse is that there's a possibility she won't make the Change and she'll die. If a fledglings body rejects the change to become a full fledged vampire, their insides practically explode and on the outside they slowly bleed to death. Other than the bloody and sad deaths, the stress, and drama that goes on in this series, its a good book to read. I was only on the third book and there are plenty of them to read. So, I sat down on the couch and decided to dive into the book. After a while my eyes started to get really tired, I was starting to fall asleep when my house phone started to ring. I slowly got up and picked up the phone in time to answer.

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