The Battle

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I apologize for everything... During this chapter, a few japanese words will come up during the actual battle and I thought it would be a wonderful idea to inform my amazing audience what they meant. If you were to just read, then the words would make no sense and you'd wonder why the words had the effect they do during the fight. Kasai: Fire. Yokubo: Lust. Aku No: Sin. I would also like to remind my readers that anything inside these symbols, < >, are thoughts of madness. They would be bolded, but during the conversion process of WordPad to this website, it gets erased. So it's just easier for me to use those rather than try and track down all of the madness. Enjoy!


Everything was black and filled with pain. I could hear Ragnarok finally, after him being dormant for so long.

"Quit being so weak, remember who you are you little bitch. Get up." He was saying through our blood bond. I could feel my blood harden, my muscles strengthening, and I stood up. The piece of concrete was no longer heavy and I wasn't in pain. I lifted the hunk of rock off of me and threw it to the side. I looked up to see Kid hanging on tight to Maka who was peering over the broken balcony.

"Oh thank Death he's alive." I could hear her say. I could hear her heartbeat from all the way down here, she was terrified. She thought she almost lost me.

"I promised you that i'd never leave you, remember?" I yelled to her. I could see the tear streaks down her face. "You all better get ready to fight. Mayhdan and Matilda are here." I didn't watch them for much longer. I stared into the shadows, where I once saw two figures. They had dissapeared, but they weren't gone. I could feel their soul wavelengths in the city, creating chaos among the people. I started to run. I could feel everyone else, they were terrified but they were ready to fight. I could feel Black*Star the most, he was waiting for us already in the city. His wavelength was strong and he was more than ready to start kicking some ass, as he would phrase it. I finally reached the spot where Black*Star stood, Tsubaki in her kisagarami form.

"Took you long enou- what the hell happened to you?" Black*Star said, having to double take. I looked down at my clothing, which were beyond torn. I had just realized that my left arm didn't even have a sleeve anymore. My clothing must of been torn during the blast, and after the concrete fell on me. Even my shoes were worthless. I kicked them off.

"Mayhdan and Matilda attacked the academy first, me and Maka were in the blast of the balcony, but I made sure she was safe. As for me, I fell." I explained.

"Damn. Where the hell was I in all of this action!?"

"Black*Star." Tsubaki said, giving him some kind of secret hint. He looked down at her and realized where he was.

"Oh..." He said, his face turning a shade of pink. It had confused me, but I ignored it. I could feel the rest of our group's souls, they were almost here.

"Ready to fight the final battle?" I asked Black*Star.

"Of course I am. I was ready a long time ago. It took forever for her to finally show up." He responded. I smiled at his response. The smile faded very soon though. I could feel my blood boil. It was itching to cause some of the chaos the witch was doing.

"Calm yourself pipsqueak. Don't get bird brained," I could hear Ragnarok say. I grinded my teeth, trying to restrain the madness. Black*Star could see me tense.

"Hey, uh, are you going to be okay? Being so close to Mayhdan?" Black*Star asked. I didn't respond, because I couldn't. I had no idea how my sanity would be during our battle. Just being close to her makes the madness excited. I shrugged.

"I guess we'll just have to chance it," I said, "If I do go crazy, Black*Star, you can go ahead and hit me. I know you've always wanted to." He gave me a surprised look, like he'd been so shocked for me to make that statement, then softened his face and nodded. Everybody finally caught up to us. Kid and his weapons were ready to go, as was Maka and Amanda.

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