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The week was normal, me and Maka just pretended nothing happened. But I knew that we would have to talk about it some time soon. It was Saturday and I couldn't just hide in my room all weekend. I had to go find a part-time job and browse some apartments. I walked out of my room to run right into Maka.

"Oops sorry!" I apologized as fast as I could.

"Its okay, we need to talk." I knew this was going to happen sooner or later.

"O-okay, we c-can t-talk in my r-room." We walked into my room and sat on my bed.

"So uh, about Tuesday. I'm sorry, I didn't expect that to happen. I just felt really touched about what you said. I also didn't know that you knew that I kissed you on the forehead in the infirmary, I thought you were asleep. I've had feelings for you Crona since the day you became my friend, I just didn't realize them until the day you nearly died. You told me that you didn't understand why I was so nice to you, so I showed you why."

"Y-you don't have to a-apologize. I have had f-f-feelings for y-you t-too. I'm s-sorry for n-not telling you e-earlier." I felt my face get hot, I just confessed to Maka that i've had feelings for her. Then Ragnarok popped out.

"So you finally told her. Good job for liking the cow."

"Ragnarok she's not a cow. Would you be nice every once in a while at least?"

"Pfft you wish. But as long as I am inside you i'm never being nice."

"Well anyway, Crona I wish you did tell me earlier. But for now we have to keep this a secret, okay?"

"Okay, i'm f-fine keeping the k-kiss a secret."

"Not just the kiss, our relationship." Wait what?


"Oh, um. I thought we could be... uh, dating." She mumbled the word dating, my face got as red as a beet.

"Oh uh um, o-okay, I-i t-think thats f-fine."

"Okay. So, should we go get you a job at Deathbucks and find you a apartment?"

"Y-yeah, we should."

"Hey! Quit ignoring me!" Ragnarok grabbed my hand and lifted Maka's skirt.

"Ah! I-im s-sorry!" I ran to the corner, waiting to be hit with Maka's book.

"Ragnarock! How dare you! That is the second time you've done this!" I could hear her walking towards me.

"Ha cow! You deserve that and so does Crona!" Maka picked me up and I kept my hands stuck my face.

"Maka Chop!" Instead of being thrown into the wall or something by her book, I felt Ragnarock get hit.

"Ow! You stupid cow! Do you want more!"

"Do you want more of my book," Ragnarock responded by dissolving into my back, "thats what I thought, Crona you can remove your hands from your face." I removed my hands from my face to see Maka's blushed face.

"I-im sorry. I knew Ragnarock was planning something but I didn't know what."

"I'ts okay, Ragnarock did it not you. We better get going, Soul and Kid are waiting for us."

"K-Kid and S-Soul are g-going with us?"

"Yeah, they wanted to help you pick a apartment."

"O-okay." We left and started going towards Deathbucks.

"So, Maka where were you last night? You told me you would be home by 6."

"I went to go buy a ingredient from the store, but I couldn't find it."

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