Hopefull Practice

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 My madness has been slow, but only because i've been fighting it off. I've been feeling more tired lately from my efforts of staying sane. I can't control my thoughts anymore, I get them whenever they decide to come. It is finally Monday, the first day we start practice. After school ended, everyone joined together and we walked to the forest behind the DWMA. As we were walking up to it, I realized that Stein was waiting there for us. Wasn't he just in the class? How did he get all the way out here so fast? I looked at the others faces to see if they were just as confused as me, everybody else looked as if they had expected it. What am I missing here?

"Whats wrong Crona?" Maka asked me.

"Wasn't he just in the classroom? How did he get all of the way out here?" She looked somewhat annoyed and she sighed. What does that mean?

"None of us know, its just something really creepy he does." Maka replied. Ragnarok popped out of my back.

"Why the hell are we out here? Its freezing and i'm hungry!" Ragnarok complained.

"We're training, we can eat when we get home." I told him. He slumped over.

"It's freezing! Let's go inside where its warm, your killing me."

"We'll only be out here for a couple of hours, you'll be fine." He grunted and decided to stay perched on my head. Stein directed us to a path that was somewhat clear, but still covered in trees. As we were going up the hill to our training spot, Maka slipped on some ice. I had an instant reaction and grabbed her before she fell on her bottom.

"Thanks Crona." she smiled at me. I blushed slightly.

"Y-your welcome. A-are you okay?" I asked her.

"Fine, because of you. I probably would've gone all the way down the hill if I would've hit the ice."

"P-probably." She gave me a pat on my back and she continued to walk. I could feel my face get hotter. Theresa looked at me and did a double take. She started to giggle.

"What?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing. Just that your blushing. And I know that it isn't the cold thats making your cheeks red." she giggled as she caught up with Maka. I covered my cheeks with my hands and walked behind them. Kid looked over at me and gave me the strangest look.

"What are you doing?" he asked me.

"N-nothing." I answered. He looked at me for a second longer then shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk. Their notice of my blush only made it worse. My face feels like its on fire. We finally reached the top of the hill.

"Alright, here we are. I'll let you stretch and warm up for a minute." He said setting down a thermo with some styrofoam cups. Everyone dove to grab cups and pour the substance out of the thermo.

"What's in there?" I asked Maka.

"Hot chocolate." she answered.

"What's that?" I questioned.

"You don't know what hot chocolate is?" then she thought for a moment, "oh, sorry. I meant... Hot chocolate is a warm drink that someone drinks usually during the winter. It's very hot, so it warms you up fast. Its hot water or milk depending on your preference, with chocolate powder and it's super yummy if you add marshmallows." she said.

"Sounds good."

"It is, try some." She poured some of the steaming, creamy light-brown liquid into my cup. She handed it to me and watched me as I took a gulp. I had to pause for a moment because it was so hot and it burned my tongue. After the burning subsided, a blast of chocolate flavor overwhelmed my taste buds. I loved it.

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