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 I woke up the next morning and saw that Maka wasn't laying next to me. I got up and out of bed slowly walking towards the kitchen. Maka was sitting on the couch with a book, she seemed calm. I continued into the kitchen and was about to grab a glass of water.

"Crona, when do you want to go see Lord Death?" Maka asked. I turned around and saw that Maka had put down her book.

"As soon as possible..." I answered. She glanced at her book once and then got up to put it away. "Or, we could go later?" I suggested.

"No, we need to talk to him immediatly like you said last night. I'll call him and make sure he knows that we're coming." Maka said walking to the bathroom. I put the empty glass that was in my hand back into the cupboard and went to the bedroom to get dressed. I finished dressing and fixing my hair a little, then went to get Maka's coat for her. Only seconds after picking up her coat, Maka was ready to go and waiting at the door for me.

"Are you ready?" Maka asked me as I helped her put her coat on.

"As ready as i'll ever be." I answered. We spent half an hour walking through the cold snow and trying not to slip on the DWMA steps. Finally after getting up the DWMA steps, we had walked to the death room and didn't even have to knock. Maka was very out of breath, i'm surprised that she's still walking.

"Hiya, Hiya! How's it going?!" Death said in his high pitched voice.

"Hello, Lord Death." Maka said.

"My, my. Sit down, you shouldn't have to walk up that many stairs in the snow in your condition." Lord Death said. Maka pulled up a chair that somone had left in here and sat down to catch her breath. I wonder what he meant by, 'her condition'.

"S-sorry to bother you Lord Death. But it seems, I have a p-problem." I said.

"Oh? And what is it?"

"Well, um. M-medusa has s-shown up again. She's after m-me and M-maka." I answered.

"Hmm, well thats a surprise. I was sure that we eliminated her after Maka's Genie Hunter."

"T-that's what we though too. She has threatened me. I only h-have t-three months of sanity left, after that she's making me stop resisting my madness. If I fail to obey her, she'll k-kill M-maka." I said, attempting to not tear up.

"Oh... Well that's a problem isn't it. It's a bit hard to gather info, train and look for her in three months. I was planning to start our Kishin investigation this week, but it seems that we have a very big problem."

"Lord Death, isn't there a way for us to search for Medusa and the Kishin? I'm sure Medusa's reapearance has something to do with the Kishin." Maka spoke up.

"True, but that'd be a bit hard. I'd have to send multiple groups to get info on the Kishin, then multiple other groups to get info on Medusa. Unfortunately we don't have enough skilled and trained meisters and weapons to take on either task." Lord Death explained.

"Me and Crona will take on the Medusa part. Soul and Amanda, plus Kilik and his twins can be in our group." Maka said.

"Good group choice, but Kilik and his twins cannot participate. I have already gathered a small plan. Instead of Kilik, I will have Kim and Jaqueline join your group."

"Why Kim?" Maka asked.

"Well, it seems I have recently learned something about her. I feel that she would be a great addition into the search and she has her own info she can supply to you."

"Okay.. When can we get started?"

"Well, not quite yet. See me tomorrow morning, I will have a complete plan. I will also have everyone else here." Lord Death explained.

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