Maka's Return

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Kid, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, Black Star, and I were sitting around in the dark waiting for Soul and Maka to arrive. When we heard the door click we got into ready positions. The light flicked on and we all jumped up and yelled "Welcome home!" Soul fell onto his bottom and Maka jumped. We all started laughing.

"Hey guys! Thanks for the party." Maka said pulling Soul off the floor.

"Thank Crona, it was his idea." Kid said. I blushed.

"Thank you Crona." Maka said as she hugged me.

"Y-your welcome." I responded. She looked up at my face and frowned. She backed up a little and opened her mouth to say something when Black Star screamed, "Time for the boo's!" Her attention instantly went to Black Star.

"No! I will not allow alcohol! Go somewhere else if your going to do that!"

"Ease up a little Maka. Why don't you just have some fun?" Soul said. Maka took out her book and Maka Chopped him with no hesitation. He was smashed like a bug, leaving him in a small hole in the floor.

"I said no! You know how I feel about alcohol!" she said. Black Star hid the bottles in his hands as fast as he could. When Maka walked up to him he shrugged his shoulders at her like he did nothing wrong.

"Well, how about I serve real refreshments and Liz starts to cut the welcome back cake Tsubaki baked for you guys." Kid said pulling out soda bottles and plastic cups.

"Sounds great!" Maka said. Her book vanished. I still have no idea where she puts it. I wonder why she frowned at me. What was she going to say before Black Star interrupted? Did I do something wrong? I guess i'll find out later.

"Crona, what do you want?" My attention went to Kid, "What?" I asked.

"Soda, what flavor?" He said.

"Orange. T-thank you." I said watching him pour my drink. He handed me the cup and I took it hesitantly. I wasn't really in the mood for a drink. Kid served everyone else their drinks and cake and the party continued. Maka was enjoying talking to Tsubaki and Liz. Black Star and Patty were "secretly" trying to sneak Black Star's alcohol into the soda's (but were failing). Soul was not so secretly drinking the alcohol. What is alcohol? I wonder why Maka hates it so much... I better not have any. Kid was organizing the plates on top of the counter. I was slowly sipping on my orange soda. When Kid was finished with organizing plates, he walked over to the stereo and turned it on. Everyone started to get a beat and were dancing. Like normal, I sat on the couch sipping my soda. When Maka noticed that I wasn't hanging out with anybody, she came and sat by me on the couch.

"Hey, whats wrong?" she asked me.

"Nothing." Why would there be something wrong?

"How come your not hanging out with anybody?"

"I don't dance." I replied.

"Come dance with me, it'll be like that one night at Kid's party."

"That's probably not the best idea, you know i'm not good at dancing."

"Come on, it'll be fun. I promise. If you get too uncomfortable we can come sit down and talk instead."

"O-okay." I set my drink down on the coffee table as Maka pulled me off the couch. She led me where everyone else was dancing. Once we got there she started to dance.

"Follow me." she said. She did slow movements and moved her body around. I attempted to copy what she was doing. I could feel my face start to heat up. I started to get used to dancing until Kid thought it would be funny to change to a slow song. Maka glared at him and he shrugged.

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