School Tour

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I stared at the clock all night, waiting for it to turn 6 a.m.. When it was time, I got up from my spot and went to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple to eat on my way to Deathbucks. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I took my time to Deathbucks, I'm not looking forward to the school day. When I got there I was attacked by Patty and her hugs that squish me until I turn blue.

"Hi Crona!!!!!!!" She squealed as she slowly choked me to death.

"Patty." Kid said walking up to us.


"He has to breathe."

"Oh, right." she let me go and gave me a bright smile, "sorry!"

"I-its okay." I responded.

"So what brought you here?" asked Kid.

"I w-was getting c-coffee."

"Oh, that's nice. We were just getting coffee too."

"Y-yeah, I have to t-talk to my b-boss also."

"Okay, well I'll let you do that, we were just leaving."

"O-okay. B-bye." I waved at them as they walked out. It was nice to see them. I walked up to the counter and ordered my coffee. While I was waiting, I asked the guy if he knew where the boss (Mike) was. He moved his head in a direction, showing me where Mike was. I thanked him, payed for my coffee and headed that way. I knocked on his office door and when I heard him say, "come in." I walked in.


"Oh, hey Crona. Whats up?"

"Um, sorry f-for not b-being at work lately."

"It's fine, that pretty girl explained to me what was going on. Maka? I think is her name."

"Y-yeah, I was j-just making sure I w-wasn't getting in t-trouble."

"Your fine. I don't understand what your going through but, I can try to help."

"T-thank you."

"Your welcome. Are you going to work this week?"

"Y-yeah, I don't want t-to miss any m-more days."

"Okay good, well see you tonight."

"O-okay, bye." I walked out of his office and walked towards the DWMA. I sipped on my coffee and tried to enjoy it as much as I could. When I finally got there my nerves instantly started to jolt. I calmed myself a bit and walked to a trash can to throw away my coffee cup. I looked over at the stairs, there was Cumo. She looked really shy and nervous. Everybody was staring at her when they walked by. Kid seemed to be enjoying talking to her. Huh, that's strange. Kid never gets along with witches, he hardly ever talks to Kim. I walked over to them slowly, trying my hardest to avoid eye contact. When I got there, Cumo seemed to notice what I was avoiding so she looked down instead.

"Hey Crona. I was just telling Cumo what her schedule for today was."

"O-okay. S-sounds g-good."

"You and her will be together all day, you both are in the same classes."

"Oh, I g-guess that m-makes it easier." Easier for me to have a meltdown.

"Yep. I can help take her around the school too, if you'd like."

"T-that would b-be fine. I-if it's okay w-with her." I gestured to Cumo.

"I wouldn't m-mind." Cumo said. Hm, seems like she stutters too.

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